
Dr. Joshua Stacher assists The Carter Center in the Presidential elections in Egypt

Dr. Joshua Stacher, Assistant Professor and expert in authoritarian governments, had assisted the Carter Center in the Presidential elections in Egypt in 2011. He was one of two academic experts flown in to brief President Jimmy Carter on the first round of the Egyptian elections at The Carter Center in Atlanta. He and his colleague met first with the board of the Carter Center for two hours and then had 50-minutes with the former president. He was also elected to the editorial board of the Middle East Research and Information Project, publishers of the influential quarterly Middle East Report

Dr. Stacher was also a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and is the author of “”, which compares institutions and co-optation to explain authoritarian durability in Egypt and Syria.

He was interviewed by various media outlets on the Egyptian crises. Dr. Stacher's research focuses on authoritarian institutions and adaptation of republican regimes in the Arab world. He has published on topics such as Egypt's Muslim Brothers, the Wasat movement, opposition politics and presidential elections in authoritarian contexts as well as human rights in Egypt. His next projects include articles on Egyptian Muslim Brothers and the fallout of the current political crisis in Egypt. He recently received a Social Science Research Council grant of $86,000 along with other members of the Northeast Ohio University Consortium on Middle East Studies. The group’s charge is to organize a series of public presentations by Middle East regional experts, to be held along with subsequent events at the various universities.

Dr. Stacher has been interviewed by the following media:


CTV (Canadian National TV), 2X 1/27, 1/28
Al-Jazeera English
BBC World Service TV (1/31 & 2/1)
Channel 5 News, WEWS, Cleveland
Fox News 8, Cleveland
CBC, (Canadian National TV)
France 24


NPR, All things considered with Michele Norris
BBC World Service Radio
Marketplace with Ky Ryssdal (NPR National) Los Angeles
CBC Radio
WCPN, 90.3 Cleveland Public Radio – The Sound of Ideas
Diego Show, Santa Fe Public Radio, 101.1
KSPI, Palm Springs Public Radio,
Greater Boston Public Radio, WZBC
Mainstream Media Project, Radio, Arcadia, CA
KPSA, Pacifica Radio, Northern Ca radio
Washington DC Public Radio WPFW
WTOP CBS Radio (Nationally Syndicated)
Madison, WI Public Radio – WORT Community Radio
Canton Public Radio, Points to Ponder Show
WAKR, Akron Public Radio


CNN Print
Wall Street Journal
Mother Jones
Foreign Policy
Christian Science Monitor
Toronto Star
The Moscow News
Australian Financial Review


Middle East Report
Jadaliyya (e-zine on Arab politics, economy, and culture)
Foreign Affairs
Foreign Policy Blog: Middle East Channel

Public Lectures

University of Michigan
Ohio State University
Washington & Jefferson College


Here is the Carter Center’s Preliminary Statement on the elections:

1) Essential Public Radio, Pittsburgh, May 24, 2012:

2) Wall Street Journal, “Surprise Rise of Mubarak Loyalist,” May 30, 2012 (Behind pay-wall):

3) Worked on Military and Political Economy cited in the Nation by Stephen Glain, “Egypt at War with Itself,” June 7, 2012:

4) ON the Arabist Podcast in Cairo, June 10, 2012:

5) WSJ, “Egypt’s Revoultion Stalls in Divide-and-Conquer Politics,” June 16, 2012 (behind pay-wall):

6) “Why Mubarak’s Death wouldn’t change Egypt’s Future,” CNN, June 20, 2012:

6) Al-Arabiya News, “Egypt delays poll result to study appeals from Mursi and Shafiq,” June 20, 2012:

7) AFP, “Egypt’s Mubarak in Coma as tension spikes over successor,” June 21, 2012:

8) “Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Demands Military Step Aside,” PRI’s the World, BBC, June 22, 2012 (With Audio):

8) The Global Mail, Deal or No Deal?, June 22, 2012:

9) “Tensions run high as Egyptians await runoff results,” Pittsburgh Trib-Review, June 24, 2012:

10) WSJ, “Analysis: Challenges Await New Egypt Leader,” June 24, 2012 (Behind Paywall):

11) Reuters, “Analysis: Egypt Islamists face new compromises,” June 24, 2012:  

POSTED: Thursday, August 9, 2012 05:31 PM
Updated: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 04:32 PM