
Doctor to Share Lessons from Mother Teresa

Kent Salem Nursing Students Hosting Speaker Dr. Paul Wright; Cardiologist Will Share Lessons from Mother Teresa

5X at Salem nursing students will host cardiologist Dr. Paul Wright, speaking about “Compassionate Care” on Wed., April 16, at 3 p.m. in the City Center auditorium. He will share the story of his life-changing friendship with Mother Teresa and how her work also changed his way of practicing medicine. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Wright worked with Mother Teresa during the last five years of her life through her Missionaries of Charity organization and wrote the acclaimed book, Mother Teresa’s Prescription: Finding Happiness and Peace in Service

The book explains how Wright sought out Mother Teresa during a low point in his life and how her “prescription” transformed his values and lifestyle. He shares how he learned that the purpose of life is to serve others with compassion.

Wright received his undergraduate degree at Notre Dame in 1972 before attending medical school and beginning his residency in cardiology. He is a partner of the Ohio Heart Institute, a private cardiovascular medical center in Youngstown and Warren.

A native of Steubenville, he founded the “Poorest of the Poor” program in 1995 to collect and distribute clothing to underprivileged people in the United States. In 2001, Wright developed a medication assistance program to make prescription drugs more available to needy patients in northeastern Ohio. 

In 2003, Wright received the U.S. Catholic Bishop’s Voice of Hope award for excellence, creativity and leadership in charity and justice. In 2004, he received the Thomas A. Dooley Award from the Notre Dame Alumni Association for humanitarian accomplishments.

The Salem City Center is located at 230 N. Lincoln Ave., Salem.


Media Contact:
Tina Smith, 330-337-4247, tsmit170@kent.edu

Updated: Thursday, December 8, 2022 09:22 AM

Since the pandemic a few years ago, the Undergraduate Student Government group was somewhat inactive on the East Liverpool Campus, but it’s been reenergized by a group of interested students.

The group has hosted luncheons over the past few weeks and is busy planning a slate of activities for the remainder of the semester, including a game/movie night; a student newsletter; and luncheons. The group also hopes to create a game room in Purinton Hall and to organize pickle ball teams. USG will also help represent the campus in the East Liverpool Christmas parade.

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