
Salem Nursing Students Holding Convocation Ceremony

Reciting the Florence Nightingale class pledge.

Kent State at Salem held its fall nursing convocation and pinning ceremony during which students received their nursing pins and recited the nursing pledge. All are receiving degrees this year through the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program on the Salem Campus. 

Remembering Chloe Chappell.

Recognized were December 2024 graduates that included Katelyn Dunn, Baylee Mohr, Olivia Porter, Ana Rocha and Lana Snyder. 

A remembrance ceremony took place to honor the late Chloe Chappell,  a member of this class who tragically passed last year.



CUTLINE A: Receiving their nursing pins at the Kent State Salem Campus pinning ceremony were (from left) Baylee Mohr, Lana Snyder, Olivia Porter, Katelyn Dunn and Ana Rocha.

CUTLINE B: Reciting the Florence Nightingale class pledge.

CUTLINE C: Remembering Chloe Chappell.

POSTED: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 10:28 AM
Updated: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 11:49 AM