
Graduate Students Have Opportunity to Study Abroad at the Catholic University of Portugal

Graduate students in the School of Communication Studies have the opportunity to participate in a global scholar exchange program with the .


Founded in 1967, the Catholic University of Portugal is a private university in Lisbon, Portugal. The Master of Arts in Communication Science offers students a unique opportunity by enhancing the value of their master’s degree by allowing students to participate in an intercultural semester abroad experience.


While studying global media and systems in Lisbon, students will launch their career by building foundational relationships and global connections with communication scholars.


  • First semester: Students from both universities will study at their home institutions.
  • Second semester: Portuguese students arrive at Kent State and take courses with School of Communication Studies students.
  • Third semester: Kent State students study abroad in Lisbon and take courses with Catholic University of Portugal students.
  • Fourth semester: Student finish remaining courses and capstone projects at their home institutions.

Kent State students will take courses taught in English with Catholic University of Portugal professors. Available courses include:


  • Information society, knowledge and culture
  • Communication and leadership
  • Media programming strategies
  • Media, society and culture
  • Television studies
  • Digital gaming

Students must be enrolled in a CCI graduate program and are responsible for paying Kent State tuition, housing costs, meals and additional expenses. For more information about the Catholic University of Portugal Exchange Program, visit /cci/global/lisbon-portugal.


This semester, the School of Communication Studies is excited to have new international graduate students, Joana Ferreira and Andreia Monteiro studying with us this semester!


From the Catholic University of Portugal, they are taking three graduate courses this semester: “Quantitative Research Methods,” “Theories in Communication” and “Communication in an Information Society.”



Joana Ferreira


Hometown: Leiria, Portugal


Major: Television & Cinema







Andreia Monteiro


Hometown: Lisbon, Portugal


Major: Media & Journalism





Is this your first time in the United States? If yes, then what were your first impressions of Ohio and 5X?


Andreia: I visited New York City in 2014 with my family and friends but it’s my first time in Ohio. Everyone here is really generous and nice to us, they offer to take us where we need to go. Professors are also connecting with us and wanting to take us to coffee


Joana: For me it’s my first time in the United States. It’s really cold here in Ohio haha, unlike Europe. It’s like eight degrees Celsius (approximately 45 degrees Fahrenheit) right now in Portugal. But everyone here is really nice to us and we feel really welcomed. I wasn’t excepting such a warm welcome here honestly, so it’s very surprising to have that here.


We are now in week 3 of the Spring semester, how are your classes going?


Joana: My favorite class is “Communication in an Information Society,” I really like the topics that we discuss in class. It’s very relevant to what’s going on in the world today and helpful.


Andreia: Yeah that class is my favorite too. Paul Haridakis is our professor, I really enjoy his dynamics in class and his ability to make jokes about important topics while still learning. He makes the material fun to learn.



What is the biggest difference you’ve noticed between studying in Portugal and in the United States?


Andreia: In Portugal we have less readings to do because we are expected to study the theories more in depth. But here we get a general overview of different theories and discuss them in class.


Joana: Classes are definitely more interactive here. We’re expected to participate more, and we have more readings to do here than we do in Portugal. I feel like we are more prepared here by discussing theories and digging into the material.



What is one thing you miss the most about Portugal?


Joana: I do miss my friends and family a lot, but also the food haha. The food is different here, I’ve noticed that it’s more spicy in the United States. I’m just not used to it haha. In Portugal we eat a lot of fish. There’s many different options here.


Andreia: Yeah Portugal is known for food so it’s kind of hard to compete in that department haha. I do also miss my friends and family and regular routines. I really love how nice everybody is here, it’s just different than how it is in Portugal. In Portugal we are more “touchy” and hug and kiss our friends on the cheek, while here it’s just a hand-wave and “hi.”



Why did you choose to be a part of the Catholic University of Portugal Global Exchange Program?


Andreia: I’ve always had a dream to live in the United States, maybe because of the films we saw at home growing up. I also believe that here you have more dimensional things. Portugal is a smaller country and I really wanted to see the work that was available for us and then bring some different insights back to Portugal.


Joana: As a communication student, it’s very important to travel internationally for your career. We have to learn new things and here we get to study theories in a new way and argue about them. It’s very enriching for my future career.



What are your goals this semester while studying at 5X?


Andreia: I want to get good grades and develop some interesting projects while I’m here. I’m really eager to meet new people and join some organizations on campus.


Joana: I also want to get good grades while studying here, and learn more about the culture throughout the United States. We’re not in the European culture, so we can learn new perspectives and get new experiences.



Why do you think students should study abroad while obtaining their degree?


Joana: You get to learn a new culture and get new experiences. You get to know amazing people and you just never stop learning something new almost every day. Here we are developing our English; we don’t get to talk a lot in English while in Portugal. We get to know what it’s like to live by yourself so far away from your family.


Andreia: You really grow a lot while studying abroad. It’s my first time leaving to another country without my family so when you’re so far away it’s really a big step forward in your life. You get to know new perspectives about your studies and your daily life. It’s very important to be open-minded about new things, opportunities and how to work. Seeing how another country is on television or the internet isn’t enough.



What are your career goals after you graduate?


Joana: I would like to be a television producer. I also like to write so working at a newspaper would be great as well.


Andreia: I’m not quite sure yet, but maybe being a journalist. I’d also enjoy working at a cultural organization, that’s what I was doing before I came here.

POSTED: Thursday, March 22, 2018 02:26 PM
UPDATED: Sunday, October 27, 2024 11:57 PM