
The Center Releases Documents Related to Local Health Department Shared Services in Cooperation with OSU

The Center, working in cooperation with Ohio State's Center for Public Health Practice (OSU-CPHP), has released two documents related to shared services among local health departments (LHDs). The first is a bibliography of peer-reviewed and professional literature related to LHD shared services and consolidations in Ohio and elsewhere. It was constructed in order to provide local health officials with easy access to a variety of information sources that may prove helpful to those seeking to learn more about collaboration and consolidation among LHDs.

In addition to the bibliography, the Center performed an environmental scan of the information sources collected and produced a brief report that takes stock of what has been learned about shared services among LHDs in Ohio and other areas of the country.

The documents can be downloaded here:


Note: This work was made possible by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) with funding from the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) as part of the Ohio Local Public Health Accreditation Support Project. The support project is administered by the Center for Public Health Practice, in the College of Public Health at the Ohio State University.

POSTED: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 04:02 PM
Updated: Thursday, November 21, 2024 03:02 PM