
AP Chart

5X社区 College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program

AP Test Score Chart

5X社区 awards college credit for Advanced Placement (AP) exams with scores of 3, 4, or 5. This chart gives information about these scores and credits earned.

Listed below is a summary of current credit awarded by 5X社区 for satisfactory performance on the various AP tests taken by students in high school through the College Board Advanced Placement Program*.

TEST DESCRIPTIONSCOREKent core areaksu course credit receivedtotal hours
African American Studies3, 4, 5KHUM, DIVDAFS2X000 3   3
Art History3, 4, 5KFAARTH22006 3   3
Art - Studio: Drawing3 ART1X000 3   3
Art - Studio: Drawing4, 5 ARTS14000 3   3
Art - Studio: 2D Art & Design3 ART1X000 3   3
Art - Studio: 2D Art & Design4, 5 ART10022 3   3
Art - Studio: 3D Art & Design3 ART1X000 3   3
Art - Studio: 3D Art & Design4, 5 ART10023 3   3
Biology*3KBS, KLABBSCI10110 4   4
Biology*4, 5KBS, KLABBSCI10110 4BSCI10120 4  8
Calculus AB*3, 4, 5KMCRMATH12002 5   5
Calculus AB - Subscore*3, 4, 5KMCRMATH12002 5   5
Calculus BC*3, 4, 5KMCRMATH12002 5MATH12003 5  10
Capstone Research3 TRAN2X000 3   3
Capstone Seminar3 TRAN2X000 3   3
Chemistry*3KBSCHEM10060 4   4
Chemistry*4KBS, KLABCHEM10060 4CHEM10062 1  5
Chemistry*5KBS, KLABCHEM10060 4CHEM10062 1CHEM10061 4 9
Chinese Language & Culture3 CHIN15101 4CHIN15102 4  8
Chinese Language & Culture4 CHIN15101 4CHIN15102 4CHIN25201 4 12
Chinese Language & Culture5 CHIN15101 4CHIN15102 4CHIN25201 4CHIN25202 416
Comparative Gov & Politics3, 4, 5KSSPOL10004 3   3
Computer Science A*3KMCRCS13011 2CS1X000 1  3
Computer Science A*4, 5KMCRCS13001 4   4
Computer Science AB*3KMCRCS13011 2CS1X000 1  3
Computer Science AB*4, 5KMCRCS13001 4   4
Computer Science Principles*3, 4, 5KMCRCS10051 4   4
Eng Lang and Composition3, 4, 5KCP1ENG11011 3   3
Eng Lit and Composition3, 4, 5KCP1ENG11011 3   3
Eng Lang and Composition and Eng Lit and Composition3, 4, 5KCP1, KHUMENG11011 3 and ENG22073 3   6
Environmental Science3, 4, 5KBS, KLABGEOL21062 3GEOL1X000 1  4
European History3, 4, 5KHUMKHUM1X000 3   3
French Language3 FR13201 4FR13202 4  8
French Language4 FR13201 4FR13202 4FR23201 3 11
French Language5 FR13201 4FR13202 4FR23201 3FR23202 314
French Literature3 FR13201 4FR13202 4FR23201 3 11
French Literature4 FR13201 4FR13202 4FR23201 3FR23202 314
French Literature5 FR13201 4FR13202 4FR23201 3FR23202 314
German Language4 GER11201 4GER11202 4  8
German Language4 GER11201 4GER11202 4GER20201 3 11
German Language5 GER11201 4GER11202 4GER20201 3GER20202 314
Human Geography3, 4, 5KSS, DIVGGEOG22061 3   3
Int'l English Language3, 4, 5 None   0
Italian Lang & Culture3 ITAL15201 4ITAL15202 4  8
Italian Lang & Culture4 ITAL15201 4ITAL15202 4ITAL25201 3 11
Italian Lang & Culture5 ITAL15201 4ITAL15202 4ITAL25201 3ITAL25202 314
Japanese Lang & Culture3 JAPN15101 4JAPN15102 4  8
Japanese Lang & Culture4 JAPN15101 4JAPN15102 4JAPN25201 4 12
Japanese Lang & Culture5 JAPN15101 4JAPN15102 4JAPN25201 4JAPN25202 416
Latin - Literature3 LAT16201 4LAT16202 4  8
Latin - Literature4 LAT16201 4LAT16202 4LAT26201 3 11
Latin - Literature5 LAT16201 4LAT16202 4LAT26201 3LAT26202 314
Latin - Vergil3 LAT16201 4LAT16202 4  8
Latin - Vergil4 LAT16201 4LAT16202 4LAT26201 3 11
Latin - Vergil5 LAT16201 4LAT16202 4LAT26201 3LAT26202 314
Macroeconomics3, 4, 5KSSECON22061 3   3
Microeconomics3, 4, 5KSSECON22060 3   3
Music Theory: Aural Subscore3, 4, 5 None   0
Music Theory: Nonaural Subscore3, 4, 5 None   0
Music Theory3, 4, 5 MUS11121 4   4
Physics 1: Algebra-Based*3, 4, 5KBS, KLABPHY13001 4PHY13021 1  5
Physics 2: Algebra-Based*3, 4, 5KBS, KLABPHY13002 4PHY13022 1  5
Physics B*3, 4, 5KBS, KLABPHY13001 4PHY13021 1PHY13002 4PHY13022 110
Physics C: Electric & Magnetic*3, 4, 5KBS, KLABPHY23102 5   5
Physics C: Mechanics*3, 4, 5KBS, KLABPHY23101 5   5
Precalculus3, 4, 5KMCRMATH11010 3MATH11022 3  6
Psychology3, 4, 5KSS, DIVDPSYC11762 3   3
Spanish Language3 SPAN18201 4SPAN18202 4  8
Spanish Language4 SPAN18201 4SPAN18202 4SPAN28201 3 11
Spanish Language5 SPAN18201 4SPAN18202 4SPAN28201 3SPAN28202 314
Spanish Literature3 SPAN18201 4SPAN18202 4SPAN28201 3 11
Spanish Literature4 SPAN18201 4SPAN18202 4SPAN28201 3SPAN28202 314
Spanish Literature5 SPAN18201 4SPAN18202 4SPAN28201 3SPAN28202 314
Statistics3, 4, 5KMCRMATH10041 4   4
United States Gov & Politics3, 4, 5KSSPOL10100 3   3
United States History3, 4, 5KHUM, DIVDHIST12070 3HIST12071 3  6
World History (Taken Prior to Fall 2021)3, 4, 5KHUM, DIVGHIST11050 3HIST11051 3  6
World History: Modern (Fall 2021 Forward)3, 4, 5KHUM, DIVGHIST1X000 3HIST11051 3  6

*In accordance with the advanced placement policy, "when it clearly enhances the opportunity for student success, an institution should strongly advise that an AP score of at least 4 is needed for a student to be successful in a second course in a highly dependent sequence of courses in a STEM area. For example, an advisor should strongly recommend that an AP score of at last 4 is needed on the AP Chemistry exam in order for the student to be successful in the second course in Chemistry." If a student agrees to follow this recommendation from an academic advisor, he/she should be awarded appropriate area credit in lieu of the recommended AP course credit.