
United Students Against Sweatshops Local 27

United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) strives to build a long-lasting and resilient political organization led by students and youth, to fight back against the system we live under controlled by the rich. The following principles outline the issues that matter to students and youth that we organize around.

Currently, our campuses are not run with the interests of students and working people. Administrations want to invest in military technology and to become expensive, exclusive, and “elite.” We fight to win diverse and accessible campuses, affordable education, and vibrant curricula.

We also take the fight beyond just our campuses. We organize in our communities and workplaces to protect each other from police terror, deportations, and war, and to liberate each other from a capitalist society. Such a society leaves working and oppressed people powerless to control their lives, and often our friends and family die overseas, suffer from addiction, and die of poverty and neglect. The ability to liberate ourselves will be based on our resolve to be committed and visible organizers and to strike blows from the front lines against racist administrators, police, politicians, and all others who maintain our oppression.


Please stay up to date with our latest endeavors by watching our for updates. Thank you!


United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) is a radically progressive, multi-issue student organization working to build change in our schools and communities!




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