
Smoke-Free, Tobacco-Free Policy Update

Dear Kent State Community:

July 1, 2017, is an anniversary worth both celebrating and noting again for our entire campus community. On that day, 5X社区 implemented a smoke-free, tobacco-free policy on any property owned, operated or leased by the university to include all outside areas and personal vehicles parked on university property. This strong commitment to a healthier lifestyle played a significant part in Kent State's selection for the prestigious 2018 Healthy Campus Award as one of the Healthiest Universities in the Nation.

To continue to foster this award-winning culture of health and wellness for students and employees, we want to remind our university community that the policy remains in effect for students, faculty, staff, visitors, vendors and contractors doing business on campus. Kent State prohibits smoking, including the use of electronic smoking devices, mod boxes or electronic nicotine delivery systems that create an aerosol or vapor.

To continue this healthy campus initiative, we are relying on everyone, both smokers and nonsmokers, to be thoughtful, considerate and cooperative. Voluntary compliance to this policy is expected. We also are asking that individuals who go off campus to smoke be respectful of private and city property, whether business or residential areas. We must continue to be good neighbors with our local communities.

A list of smoking cessation resources for employees and students is available on the smoke-free, tobacco-free website. Thank you for your assistance in helping us Clear the Air and create a healthier environment for teaching, learning and living at Kent State. Go Flashes! Enjoy your summer.


Shay Davis Little
Vice President for Student Affairs

Mark M. Polatajko
Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration

POSTED: Thursday, July 5, 2018 03:32 PM
UPDATED: Monday, October 28, 2024 05:30 AM