
The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC)

The FAC is structured and operates as described in the CBA.  The FAC is elected directly by the full-time Faculty of the Department as defined in subhead III A. Definition of the Faculty above.    

FAC terms are for one (1) year.  Elections are conducted in the Spring Semester and the FAC members assume office at the beginning of the Fall Semester.  The FAC shall consist of five tenured and tenure-track Faculty members: four from the Kent Campus and one from the Regional Campuses.  A majority of the members from the Kent Campus shall be tenured.  The Regional Campus member shall be tenured, provided there are a minimum of three tenured Regional Campus Faculty.  At least one representative shall be elected from each rank if there are at least three members on the Kent Campus in that rank.  If the membership in one of the ranks is less than three, a representative-at-large shall be elected.  If there are fewer than three Regional Campus Faculty, a representative-at-large shall be elected.  If a vacancy should occur on the FAC, a special election will be held to fill the vacancy.

The FAC is convened and chaired at least once per term by the Chair who, in consultation with the FAC, sets the agenda for its meetings.  FAC members may request that items be added to the agenda.  Additional meetings of the FAC may be called by the Chair, as needed or upon a request by at least one-half of the members of the FAC.  The FAC elects one (1) member to act as the Department representative to the College Advisory Committee (hereafter “CAC”).