
Course Equivalencies for Research

Course Equivalencies for Research. Tenured graduate Faculty who have active, ongoing research programs and are active in their profession qualify for one or two course equivalencies depending on their level of activity. (NOTE:  Untenured Faculty automatically qualify for a 6 CH equivalency in research to give them time to establish a program of research).

Course equivalencies for research are determined by the average points earned over the prior 3 year period according to the following scale:

An average of 10-19 pts. earns a one-course (3 CH) equivalency

An average minimum of 20 pts. earns a two-course (6 CH) equivalency

Points are awarded in the research category for the following activities

  • Book, authored (30 pts.)
  • Research monograph, refereed (20 pts.)
  • Book, edited (15 pts.)
  • Journal article, refereed, in which the first author is the Faculty member or a primary advisee of the Faculty member (15 pts).
  • Journal article, refereed, in which the first author is someone other than the Faculty member or a primary advisee of the Faculty member (10 pts.)
  • Book chapter (5 pts.)
  • Assessment instrument, copyrighted (5 pts.)
  • Journal article, non-refereed (3 pts.)
  • Comment, scholarly (3 pts.)
  • Encyclopedia entry (3 pts.)
  • Technical report (3 pts.)
  • Editor鈥檚 Introduction (3 pts.)
  • Book or test review (2 pts.)
  • Letter to the editor, scholarly (1 pt.)
  • Presentations at regional or national meetings, invited colloquia (2 pt./presentation for a maximum of  4 pts./year)
  • Editorial Board membership (4 pts./journal)
  • Editor/Associate Editor (15 pts./journal)
  • Grant Panel membership (3 pts./per meeting)
  • Ad hoc journal/grant reviews or conference abstract reviews (1 pt./ review for a maximum of 4 pts./year)
  • Editing a special issue of journal (6 pts.)
  • Other professional contribution (Faculty member should propose pts. associated with activity; final determination to be made by FAC)

Funded grants and grant proposals on which the Faculty member serves as Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator are assigned the following points.  Co-Investigators receive half the points indicated.  Consultants do not receive any credit.

  • Extramural grant applications (total budgets at or greater than $100,000)
    • Initial submission (15 pts.)
    • Revised submission (7.5 pts.)
    • Funded (20 pts. each year for the period of the grant)
  • Grant applications (total budget from $10,000 to $100,000)
    • Initial submission (5 pts.)
    • Revised submission (2.5 pts.)
    • Funded (10 pts. each year for the period of the grant)

Points are tallied from annual productivity reports submitted by each Faculty member and checked against departmental records.

The combined student supervision and research workload equivalencies will not reduce a Faculty member鈥檚 course instruction workload below six (6) load hours per year except under unusual circumstances.  Any exceptions must be approved by the Chair and the Dean.