


Master of Science

The Master of Science degree in Physics consists of graduate coursework and a research project taking one or two semesters. The research project should result in a written report. Students may choose to complete a thesis, to be defended orally. This degree provides entry-level qualifications for team research employment or a high school teaching career.

Master of Arts

The Master of Arts degree in Physics is a highly flexible program consisting of graduate coursework that can be customized according to the academic background and needs of the individual student. This flexibility is a good match for the needs of part-time students who continue to hold full-time employment in secondary education or in industry.

Post-baccalaureate students in the Ph.D. degree in Physics may apply for the M.A. degree after completing the requirements.

Ph.D. in Physics

The Ph.D. degree in Physics provides training of professionals to conduct independently conceived programs of research or teaching in universities or research laboratories. Original research is required in fundamental or applied areas of physics, and the Ph.D. dissertation must be orally defended. Two years of graduate coursework and four years of research are typical.