- If you receive an unfamiliar email that feels strange, DO NOT: Click any links, respond to it, or try to "unsubscribe." Contact the person through familiar channels.
- You hover your mouse over a hyperlink that's displayed in the email message, but the link to address is for a different website. (THIS IS A HUGE RED FLAG)
- You received an email that only has long hyperlinks with no further information, and the rest of the email is completely blank
- You received an email with a hyperlink that is a misspelling of a known website. For example: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ - the "m" is really two characters "r" and "n".​​​​​​
- Odd messages that indicate a shared file on Google Drive or OneDrive/SharePoint that you're not expecting and will prompt for you for login. Example: evaluation.docx