
What Students need to know about reaffirmation

Kent State is a student-first university which strives to provide quality education, experiences and services to our students. To assist in the reaffirmation of the university's accreditation status it is helpful that students be aware of...

  1. Kent State's vision, mission and core values
  2. Our accreditation process
  3. The HLC accreditation criteria
  4. The dates of the HLC site visit
    • April 14-15, 2025
  5. How students can be involved...
    • Learn about Kent State's accreditation
    • Take part in the Student Opinion Survey (sent out around Jan 2025)
    • Take part in a student forum
    • If stopped by an HLC peer reviewer, be able to answer some of the questions listed below


During an HLC site visit, Peer Reviewers may randomly ask students, faculty or staff questions about Kent State or accreditation. Here is a list of possible questions that can be used to help prepare. Remember, maintaining accreditation requires engagement from the entire university community. 

Questions HLC may ask students

General Questions

  • What do you know about Kent State’s institutional accreditation?
  • What distinguishes Kent State from neighboring institutions?
  • What are Kent State’s greatest strengths?
  • What are the biggest challenges facing Kent State?
  • What is it like to be a student at Kent State?
  • Do you believe academics are important at Kent State? Why or why not?
  • Describe any campus processes that could be improved or made more efficient.
  • What kind of changes are taking place at Kent State?  Do you see these as positive or not?

Questions about Accreditation Criteria

Criterion 1

  • Do you know Kent State’s mission statement? How would you describe it?
  • Do you know where you would find the official mission statement?
  • Do you support the mission?
  • Are you familiar with the core values of Kent State?
  • Do you support the core values?
  • Could you name some resources At Kent State that supports students who are struggling academically?
  • How does Kent State’s processes/activities reflect attention to human diversity?
  • How does Kent State support the community?
  • Are marketing materials accurate and up to date?
  • Why did you choose to attend Kent State? Have your expectations been met? Would you make the same choice if you were given the opportunity again?
  • What do you like best about Kent State?
  • What would you change about Kent State if you could?
  • Would you recommend Kent State to other students?

Criterion 2

  • Describe the campus climate at 5XÉçÇø.
  • Does Kent State present academic and financial requirements clearly and completely to students and the public?
  • Do you understand the transfer guidelines? The academic requirements to complete your degree?
  • Have you experienced any problems getting the courses you need in a timely manner?
  • Describe your experiences with academic advising.
  • Do you believe Kent State supports freedom of expression?
  • Do you know where to go for help with the following?
    • Academic support
    • Career planning
    • Personal counseling
    • Making a complaint
    • Technology support
  • Does Kent State have policies and procedures in place to address ethical conduct in research for both faculty and students?

Criterion 3

  • Are you supportive of the general education requirements?
  • Do you know your program’s student learning outcomes?
  • Are the classes offered by your program taught by qualified faculty including adjuncts?
  • Is technology support sufficient on campus?
  • What is your experience with the following university services?
    • Library
    • Tutoring
    • Dining
    • Health Center
    • Recreational facilities
    • Counseling Services
  • What opportunities do you have to conduct research? Participate in community or service-learning experiences? Interact with people and cultures different from your own?
  • Are students provided with sufficient and relevant co-curricular experiences?
  • Are facilities and classrooms appropriately maintained at Kent State?

Criterion 4

  • Did you transfer credit to Kent State? If so, what was your experience with the process?
  • Do you think Kent State is clear in its communication with students about topics such as financial aid, student conduct, costs, and graduation requirements? What improvements would you recommend?

Criterion 5

  • How are students given the opportunity to provide input into important initiatives?
  • How are students given the opportunity to provide input into proposed tuition increases?
  • Are academic programs relevant and current?
  • Are the computer software systems helpful in assisting students with registration? With advising? With knowledge of campus events?