
Client Profile: Nico Rushh

 Alumni entrepreneur Nico (they/them) has been selling beautiful crystals through their business and has been a valued LaunchNET client for a number of years.  They generously shared some of their experiences with us for the occassion! 

Tell us a little about what you're working on now & how you got involved with LaunchNET.

I'm currently working on rebranding and getting a more diverse set of items as spirituality is not just crystals, Astrology and Tarot! I got involved with LaunchNET a couple years ago as I needed more help with my business, specifically backend items as well as promotion to help my business grow!

Pure Sodalite logo and crystals

What has been your most satisfying moment in your venture?

I think anytime a customer is able to purchase from me and has a large smile because they were able to get an item that otherwise might have been more expensive is always a grateful moment for me.


Is your company profitable or what is your profit for last year?

Yes, but not much. Even though my prices are 200-300% above the amount purchased, my business runs kinda like a non-profit where any money made goes directly back into the business. I still have yet to reach $1,000 but I’m hoping to hit that really soon!


Who or what motivates you? 

The fact that so many other metaphysical shops are still kind of inaccessible due to pricing or location and also seeing people post about their journeys. I get to serve this gap where folks can still grow and learn that doesn’t break their banks.


Where you see yourself and your business in 5 years? 10 years?

I plan to expand to be a full-blown business somewhere in the Kent/Youngstown area with a bigger emphasis on community and community growth and healing. Also hoping to have a space somewhere in Puerto Rico where my family is from but that is for me to find out later.


What are you most excited (or passionate) about?

​​​​​​​I'm really excited about seeing where my business goes and what it grows into. I’m already thinking about expanding and that makes me feel motivated to continue this love of mine.


What problem do you wish you could solve?

​​​​​​​I truly wish I could make all my services and items free as I don’t personally believe that these should be paid for, since these items help folks in their journeys of growth and spirituality. Living in a world outside of money is a dream I hope to get closer to through my business and my other endeavors.