Rajeev Rajaram
Mathematical Sciences
Office Location:
MSB 347
With the Kent Campus from 2014-Current
With the Ashtabula Campus from 2008-2014
Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Iowa State University in 2005
M.S. in applied mathematics from Iowa State University in 2003
M.S. in electrical engineering from Iowa State University in 2001
B. E. (Hons.) in instrumentation engineering from B.I.T.S., Pilani, India in 1998
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities:
Books in Print
- Dister, C., Castellani. B., Rajaram, R., Modeling Social Complexity in Infrastructures: A Case-based Approach to Improving Reliability and Resiliency, Edward Elgar Handbook of Research Methods in Complexity Science, London School of Economics, 2017
- Castellani, B., Rajaram, R., Buckwalter, J.G., Ball, M., Hafferty, F.W. Place and Health as Complex Systems (ISBN 978-3-319-09733-6), Springer Briefs on Public Health, 2014
Articles in Print
- Castellani, B., Griffiths, F., Rajaram, R., Gunn, J., Exploring comorbid depression and health trajectories: A case-based computational modelling approach, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2018:1-17, doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/jep.13042
- Rajaram, R., Castellani, B. and Wilson A. N. Advancing Shannon entropy for measuring diversity in Systems, Complexity, vol. 2017, Article ID 8715605, 10 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/8715605
- Dasgupta, S., Vaidya, U.G., and Rajaram, R. Operator theoretic framework for optimal placement of sensors and actuators for control of nonequilibrium dynamics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, 2016
- Castellani, B. and Rajaram, R. Past the power law: Complex systems and the limiting law of restricted diversity, Complexity, 2016
- Rajaram, R. and Castellani, B. An entropy based measure for comparing distributions of complexity doi:10.1016/j.physa.2016.02.007, Physica A, 2016
- Castellani, B., Rajaram R., Gunn, J., and Griffiths, F., Cases, clusters, densities: Modeling the nonlinear dynamics of complex health trajectories. Complexity, doi: 10.1002/cplx.21728, 2015
- Rajaram, R. and Castellani, B. The Utility of Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Specifically Transport Theory, for Modeling Cohort Data. Complexity, doi: 10.1002/cplx.21512, 2014
- Rajaram, R. and Vaidya, U. Lyapunov density for coupled systems. Applicable Analysis, doi: 10.1080/00036811.2014.886105, 2014
- Rajaram, R. and Vaidya, U. Robust stability analysis using Lyapunov density. International Journal of Control, 86(6): 1077-1085, 2013.
- Rajaram, R. and Castellani, B.Modeling Complex Systems Macroscopically: Case/Agent-Based Modeling, Synergetics and the Continuity Equation. Complexity. doi: 10.1002/cplx.21412, 2012
- Vaidya, U., Rajaram, R., & Dasgupta, S. Actuator and Sensor placement in a linear advection PDE, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 394, pp. 213-224, 2012
- Castellani, B. and Rajaram, R.: Case-based modeling and the sacs toolkit: A mathematical outline. Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 18(2): 153-174, 2012.
- Castellani, B., Rajaram, R., Buckwalter, JG., Ball, M., and Hafferty, F. 鈥淧lace and Health as Complex Systems: A Case Study and Empirical Test.鈥 Proceedings of the Complexity in Health Group, 5X社区 at Ashtabula, 1(1):1-35, 2012.
- Rajaram, R., Vaidya, U., Fardad, M., & Ganapathysubramanian, B. Stability in the almost everywhere sense: a linear transfer operator approach, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 368, pp. 144-156, 2010.
- Rajaram, R., & Najafi, M. Exact controllability of a system of coupled strings in parallel, Applicable Analysis, 89(5), pp. 677-691, May 2010.
- Rajaram, R., & Najafi, M. Exact controllability of wave equations in Rn coupled in parallel, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 356, pp. 7-12, 2009.
- Rajaram, R., & Najafi, M. Analytical treatment and convergence of the Adomian Decomposition Method for a system of coupled damped wave equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 212, pp. 72-81, 2009.
- Rajaram, R. Exact boundary controllability of the linear advection equation. Applicable Analysis, 88(1), pp. 121-129, January 2009.
- Rajaram, R. Exact boundary controllability results for a Rao-Nakra sandwich beam. Systems and Control Letters, 56(7-8), pp. 558-567, 2007.
- Rajaram, R. & S.W. Hansen Null controllability of a damped Mead-Markus sandwich beam. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (Supplemental Volume), pp: 746-755, 2005.
- Hansen, S.W., & Rajaram, R. Riesz basis property and related results for a Rao-Nakra Sandwich Beam. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (Supplemental Volume), pp.365-375, 2005.
Research Areas:
- Control theory of partial differential equations
- Complexity Science
Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics) - Iowa State University
M.S. (Applied Mathematics) - Iowa State University
M.S. (Electrical Engineering) - Iowa State University
B. E. (Hons., Instrumentation Engineering) - B.I.T.S., Pilani, India
M.S. (Applied Mathematics) - Iowa State University
M.S. (Electrical Engineering) - Iowa State University
B. E. (Hons., Instrumentation Engineering) - B.I.T.S., Pilani, India