Tara L. Conley
Tara L. Conley is an interdisciplinary scholar and mediamaker with established research and creative agendas. Her research and multimedia production engage scholarship and methods across media studies, feminist studies, Black studies, digital humanities, and science and technology studies.
Dr. Conley was the 2021-2022 at Stanford University. In 2013, she founded to locate and archive feminist discourse by way of tracking Twitter hashtags on the web. In 2015, she produced the documentary about life in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina. Currently, she is working on a full length documentary film, about Ike Maxwell, a legendary Black high school football player from Elyria, Ohio.
Dr. Conley's work has been published in Feminist Media Studies, The Black Scholar Journal, New Media & Society, and MIT Press. She also serves on the editorial board of Women's Studies Quarterly. Learn more about Dr. Conley's work at .
M.A. Women's Studies, Texas Woman's University
Ed.D. Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, Teachers College, Columbia University