
10 - 02.2

Administrative policy regarding animal care and use

  1. Statement of purpose. Recognizing a scientific and ethical responsibility to provide appropriately for the welfare of animals used for research and education, the university and its faculty and staff are committed to assuring humane care and use of these animals. To implement this commitment, an animal care and use (ACUC) committee under the direction of the provost or designee will be established. The animal care and use committee will operate in accordance with the United States public health service policy on humane care and use of laboratory animals and the public health service "Guide for the "Care and Use of Laboratory Animals," the provisions of the United States Animal Welfare Act and other applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Responsibilities of the ACUC. The ACUC has the following responsibilities:
    1. To review at least semi-annually, the university's program for humane animal care and use for compliance with state and federal regulations.
    2. To review all research projects involving live, vertebrate animals to determine that the described care and use of animals are in compliance with university, state and federal policy and regulations.
    3. To review and approve proposed changes in on-going research which introduce significant change in use of animals or when animal studies not originally proposed and approved by the ACUC are added.
    4. Inspect all of the university's animal facilities at least semi-annually.
    5. To provide assistance and advice in research involving live animals and to implement the guidelines and policies of the university through the division of research and graduate studies which has general administrative responsibility for animals used in research.
  3. General principles. The following general principles apply equally to all projects involving animals, whether carried out solely with university resources or with the assistance of outside funds. The university has responsibility for communicating and explaining these principles to university personnel, and for providing procedural guidelines to effect their observance.
    1. Experiments using live animals shall be conducted by, or under the immediate supervision of a qualified research scientist.
    2. Animal care and housing will be under the direction of a properly qualified veterinarian.
    3. Research will be conducted in a manner to ensure humane care and use of animals. Care will be taken to minimize the number of animals used and to avoid all unnecessary suffering and injury to the animals.
    4. Facilities will be maintained in accordance with standards prescribed by the United States department of agriculture and department of health and human services as well as relevant accrediting organizations.
    5. Transportation will be in accord with applicable standards to reduce discomfort, stress and spread of disease.
    6. Euthanasia will be performed according to American veterinary medical association guidelines.

      This policy formerly numbered 3342-3-03.3.
Policy Effective Date:
Oct 15, 2016
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 10/26/1979, 7/19/1985, 8, 7,1985, 5/5/1995, 6/1/2007, 3/1/2015