Felix Akinboyewa
Felix Akinboyewa is a doctoral student and graduate assistant studying Political Science with concentrations in Conflict Analysis and Management and Transnational and Comparative Politics. His main research interest is focused on prison peacebuilding. Prison peacebuilding aims at building peace from inside the prison walls into the outside world. His other research interests focus on using emerging technologies such as Unmanned Armed Vehicles, drones, nanotechnologies, weapons of mass destruction, in warfare. Other interests include using digital technologies (mobile phones, PDA, Social networks), advanced technologies (biometric scanners, surveillance cameras) in borders and migration, and Militarized Interstate Disputes.
Felix has several years of work experience in countering violent extremism through prison peacebuilding initiatives focusing on the deradicalization of violent extremists in the Nigerian Correctional Service. He has attended and presented conference papers on peacebuilding, digital borders, migration and the implications of rebel alliances in intra/inter-state militarized disputes.
Research Interests:
Prison Peacebuilding, Deradicalization of Violent Extremists, Countering Violent Extremism, Emerging Technologies in Warfare, Digital/Advanced Technologies in Border and Migration, Intra/Inter-State Militarized Disputes