

Meghan Factor-Page is the assistant director of Kent State of Well-being where she helps ensure students are getting relevant information so they can take care of themselves and get the wellness resources they need. Factor-Page started working full-time at Kent State in 2009. She had an on-campus job as a student, and then also as a grad assistant for the office of Student Success Programs. Factor-Page worked in Student Success Programs and University College for about nine years and then was in the Center for Student Involvement under senior affairs for a little over three years. 

Learn more about Meghan Factor-Page and the Kent State of Well-being as she answers these 10 questions.

How would you describe your role at 5XÉçÇø?

As the assistant director of Kent State of Well-being (KSoW), I work with the program that is responsible for programming and collaborating with other resources on campus. So my position is to ensure that there is wellness programming and that students understand that there are a lot of resources at their fingertips that can help them to live healthy and happy lives.

Why are you excited about your role at Kent State?

I am excited for a couple of different reasons. The first one is that I’m really passionate about health and well-being. While I may not be at the pinnacle of health and well-being myself, I still think that it's something that everybody can strive for, especially if you are going through tough times. 

The second part of it is that I really think that this work is meaningful, especially now, after experiencing being an undergraduate and a graduate student, I know there are a lot of stressors that students have to endure. They're living in a brand new environment, they’re practicing new skills, there are new demands placed on them so I think that this information and practice are really important for students to get.

What makes you proud to work at Kent State?

This is an extremely collaborative environment. As a staff member, I have lots of friends and co-workers across campus that I know that I can lean on for support, and vice versa too. So I really love the social-cultural environment and am grateful to have such amazing leadership. 

What does Kent State of Well-being offer students at Kent State?

I have only been in this position for less than two months so far, so the Kent State of Well-being will certainly grow. However, we have a few programs in place already. Prior to me arriving,  the Kent State Farmers’ Market in collaboration with Haymaker Farmers' Market was formed last semester. Meditation across campus, which happens weekly and is currently virtual and will expand in the future if there is interest. Koru Meditation training, Caravan Wellness App and free Group X fitness classes are also things we offer currently.

What does the Student Ambassador Program have to offer students?

The Kent State of Well-being (KSoW) Student Ambassador program helps promote health and wellness across the entire university. This group may or may not be called Student Ambassadors, but their mission will be to empower fellow students to live healthier, happier, more successful lives.

Currently, I am working to re-establish a Peer Educator/Influencer program to assist with KSoW programming, peer education and advocacy. I am in the planning stages of this program and Kent State students can look forward to participating in programming that incorporates peers in the Fall of 2022. 

How have you adapted the missions and values of Kent State of Well-being into your own life?

I’ve always been a lifelong learner. I think that's another reason why I like working at Kent State. It's an environment of constant learning, so there's not really an end to wellness or well-being. Wellness is about helping you to be the best that you can be, the healthiest that you can be and the happiest that you can be. 

What advice do you have for the students of Kent State?

I think well-being, at its core, is about habit-building, and habit-building can be easier to do than you think. I think people look at it like, I need to be healthy, I need to be rich or well off, I need to be in tip-top shape, I need to eat perfectly, but that's not always the case. So my advice is to build a few habits at a time. 

What are your favorite Kent State traditions?

I love Homecoming; it is a really awesome tradition, and I love going to the Homecoming parade. I've actually helped with the Homecoming parade the last few years. I also love Back to School Blast Off! at the very beginning of the year. It's kind of like the culmination of coming back to campus where you see all the student groups having a great time and everybody's really excited to get back on campus. 

What parts of the Kent State campus are your favorite?

I really love how the Lefton Esplanade connects to downtown Kent. It was not like that when I was an undergraduate student, so the fact that you could walk all the way from practically where I'm at in the Recreation and Wellness Center, down to downtown is really awesome. As a staff member, I've been able to walk downtown on a nice day to get lunch and come back.

Where do you hope to see Kent State in the next 10 years?

Kent State is already on the map as far as healthy campuses, and we've received a healthy campus award, but I would like to see us on the map as far as programming and collaborations. It'd be nice to have a physical space that students can come to for programming and things like that. You know, students should feel healthier when they leave here or when they graduate from Kent State.


POSTED: Friday, March 25, 2022 12:00 AM
UPDATED: Sunday, October 27, 2024 09:27 PM