Anthony Morris jr.
Anthony Morris has lived in Ohio his whole life and comes from Cleveland Ohio. During his time here at Kent State, Anthony has had the opportunity to serve in several different student leadership positions: Co-director of the Male Empowerment Network, Supervisor with Student Recreation and Wellness Services, and graduate assistant. Anthony was also a student-athlete (football) for three years during his undergraduate time at Kent State.
He serves as the Academic Program Coordinator for Upward Bound Health Professions. Oversees the development and implementation of academic support programs aimed at preparing high school students for careers in health-related fields.
Anthony served as a graduate assistant with Upward Bound prior to a full-time position. Had the opportunity to work across all three programs (Math Science, Health Professions, and Classic).
Direct Reports
Master of Public Health (MPH): Specialization in Health Policy & Management, 5XÉçÇø