
Email Feedback

Want help with an assignment, but don't have time for a session? No problem. We've got you! Email Feedback appointments allow you to receive feedback on your writing without having to come to the Writing Commons. Email appointment slots fill up quickly! We recommend that you schedule at least a week in advance of your deadline.

Please note that Email Feedback is closed when the Writing Commons is closed. Submissions received when the office is closed will be processed as soon as possible upon reopening. 

  • Follow the instructions below to submit your draft for feedback.
  • We will send you an email to confirm the date and time when one of our writing consultants will read your draft and provide feedback.
  • You will see an "upcoming appointment" in the Navigate app when we schedule your work for feedback.  Please do not cancel that appointment.  That is when your work will be read by one of our consultants. Your feedback will be emailed to you soon after that time! 
  • You will receive your feedback by email shortly after that appointment time.
  • You do NOT need to be present with the writing consultant when feedback is provided. This type of session is asynchronous.




It's easy to send us your draft! Just start an email message from your 5XÉçÇø email account, and address it to writng@kent.edu

Then follow these three steps:

  1. Copy the questions below into the email.
  2. Answer all of the questions as completely as you can.
  3. Attach your draft to the email, and send it on its way.

That's all there is to it.  We'll take it from there!


Email Feedback Submission Questions:

We ask you several questions about the assignment and your concerns about the draft. The more detail you can provide on the form, the better we can help you! If you have a long document, such as a book or a dissertation, please specify a section for us to look at or ask for multiple sessions.  If we have questions about your responses, we will contact you by email.

  1. What is your preferred name and gender pronoun? (Examples: she, he, they.)
  2. What is the best phone number to reach you, if we need to contact you?
  3. What is your major?
  4. What is your class rank? (For example, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, etc. . . .)
  5. If this draft is for class, what is the course name and number for this assignment?
  6. What is your due date for this assignment?
  7. When would you like to have your draft sent back to you? *
  8. What is your assignment? (For example, is this a persuasive paper, a discussions post, a research project, a short story . . . ?)
  9. What is your assignment? (For example, is this a persuasive paper, a discussions post, a research project, a short story . . . ?)
  10. What is the name of your instructor for this assignment?
  11. How did you hear about the Writing Commons?
  12. What specific concerns do you want your consultant to help you with today? (For example, Understanding the assignment, Generating ideas to write about Researching my topic using Library resources, Creating or revising a thesis, Developing, illustrating, or supporting my ideas, Organizing my writing, Creating transitions, Learning how to edit and proofread my work.)
  13. What citation style are you using to document your sources in this piece? (For example, MLA, APA, CMS, Turabian, CSE.)
  14. At what stage of the writing process are you right now for this assignment? (For example, Brainstorming ideas, Researching material, Notes or an outline, Starting a rough draft, Finishing a rough draft, Revising, Completing the final draft.)
  15. What are the most important ideas you want to get across to readers in this draft?
  16. What sections of the material were easiest to write? (Example: maybe the third paragraph came together easily).
  17. Which section(s) were the most difficult to write and why? (For example the thesis or the conclusion . . .)
  18. What else would you like your consultant to know about your work on this project and what you need the most help with today?

Attach your draft. Please note that if you are sharing a long document such as a book or dissertation, you must specify a specific 5-page range for the consultant to focus on in the session. Accepted file formats are Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Thanks!

IMPORTANT: We will assign a writing consultant to read your work at a specific time during their shift.  This means you will see an upcoming appointment in the Navigate app after we schedule your work for feedback.  Please do not cancel that appointment.  Your feedback will be emailed to you soon after that time!