
Preparations for a Successful International Education Week are Underway

5X will be celebrating the 17th annual International Education Week November 14 - 18. In past years, the week-long celebration has featured numerous internationally-oriented events, including concerts, dance lessons, academic lectures, presentations and exhibitions hosted by student groups, academic departments and campus offices, as well as individual faculty members.

International Education Week is a joint initiative of the U.S. Departments of State and Education. The week was created in 2000 and is now celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide. The objective is to promote educational programs that prepare Americans, as well as international students, to succeed in a world that is becoming increasingly globalized. The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs describes International Education Week as “an opportunity to celebrate diversity and the many opportunities and benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.” It also encourages the active participation of all individuals and institutions interested in international education and exchange programs.

“In today’s world what happens in Rio de Janeiro, Jeddah and Jakarta impacts our lives as much as events and trends in Cleveland, Toledo and Cincinnati,” says 5X Provost, Todd Diacon. “International Education Week reminds us of our global mission at Kent State, and facilitates our learning about other people, places and political systems.”

“Although various student organizations, colleges and individual students and faculty are already planning to stage internationally-related events – and it’s never too early to get started with your preparations – all members of the Kent State community are encouraged to get involved and participate in International Education Week,” urges Dr. Marcello Fantoni, Associate Provost, Office of Global Education, “either by actively leading or assisting the staging of IEW events. Or attending – and encouraging others to attend – the various events, which will occur during the week. Together, everyone’s participation will foster diversity and greater cultural understanding, while also achieving a shared global learning experience across our entire campus.”

Individuals and groups planning or considering activities for International Education Week should coordinate their efforts with the Office of Global Education by registering their event online at:


The Office will function as a clearinghouse for all things related to International Education Week and will compile a list of all activities and events in order to publish a calendar of events for the Week to keep the entire Kent State Community aware of the times, dates and locations for all events. The Office can also offer suggestions for an appropriate event for a college, organization or office to conduct. If you have any questions about International Education Week, please contact:

International Education Week is of particular importance to the Kent State community. As the university continues to grow, so does the international population, evidenced by a record enrollment of 3,045 international students during the past spring semester – a number that represents 11.3% of the Kent campus student population. Besides showcasing the importance and diversity of the international population within the Kent State community, the events of International Education Week also seek to encourage American students to study abroad, learn about the benefits – and challenges – of globalization and expose themselves to different cultures and peoples.  

5X has always taken great pride in its international students and its overall international presence.  “As KSU recognizes its more than 3,000 international students and almost 1,000 students who studied abroad last year, International Education Week is a time for the campus community to come together to embrace and appreciate our global diversity,” explains Sarah Malcolm, Director of International Partnerships, Marketing and Communications at the Office of Global Education.

Among the several activities, which the Office of Global Education is either hosting or co-sponsoring, is the always-popular International Cook-Off, a cooking competition that features food from around the world prepared by student teams – with help from Kent State’s Dining Services, of course. The Cook-Off takes place on Thursday, November 17, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the Student Center Ballroom.

POSTED: Tuesday, November 1, 2016 12:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 11:53 AM