
AREI Equity Awards

AREI Equity Awards


  • Application Deadline: TBD
  • Announcement of Awards: TBD

To facilitate collaborative grant proposal development and increase the number of competitive external grant submissions among 5X社区 scholars, the Anti-Racism and Equity Institute is providing funds to support innovative research teams and pilot data collection for external grant proposal preparation. There are no limitations on the area of research if the project contributes to understanding and interrupting structural practices and procedures that lead to inequitable outcomes for people and communities of color. Successful proposals will shift beyond documenting persistent inequality and move toward engagement with reimagined forms of equitable opportunities and outcomes. 

The maximum award amount is $20,000. Proposals must be transdisciplinary with a focus on equitable inquiries and real-world applicability. As such, proposals must include investigators from different departments, schools, colleges, or campuses within 5X社区. In addition, investigators are strongly encouraged to include community partners with which to collaborate on research design, data collection, and expected outcomes. Given the investment size, the submission should be of a high caliber, likely to lead to a significant external grant proposal. PIs must submit the resulting external grant application by spring 2026.

Proposals should provide the names of participating investigators, description of how time and funds will be used to develop the research plan, and a timeline ending with an anticipated date of external grant submission. Please be advised that a condition of this funding is that those receiving an award will seek internal or external peer review of the future grant application. AREI will work with awardees to identify potential reviewers before submitting the complete grant proposal.

Proposals that incorporate undergraduate investigators (through the SURE, Sophomore Year Experience, or McNair Programs) will be given priority. AREI will subsidize the costs of SURE fellows participating in funded Equity Awards. Proposals must also include a letter of support from the appropriate unit director or department chair approving the use of departmental resources, when appropriate. No awards will be made prior to obtaining IRB approval for the use of human or animal subjects.

If awarded, progress reports are required every six months and should be sent to Carla Goar at cgoar@kent.edu. Recipients must also provide AREI with a detailed final report summarizing the project鈥檚 impact and related activities no later than six (6) months after the award has ended.


  • Applicants must be 5X社区, full-time faculty.
  • Teams of at least two (2) 5X社区 faculty may submit a proposal.
  • The proposed project should focus on interrupting racial inequities and have the potential to generate data that can be used for grant applications to external funding sources.
  • Though not required, the incorporation of community and undergraduate investigators is strongly preferred.


AREI Equity Awards

Application Outline

1) Cover Sheet (1-page limit)

  • Title
  • Investigator names with KSU Departmental, School, College, or Campus affiliations
  • Community Partner name, if appropriate
  • Amount requested

2) Project Description (5-page limit for first four items, references no page limit)

  • Describe the project and how this pilot funding will support the collaborative effort to submit a competitive external grant application.
  • Describe commitment to and expected contributions from community partner in terms of data collection and research outcomes, if appropriate
  • Plan for activities related to developing a full proposal for external funding, including a timeline and tasks of each investigator.
  • RFA/RFP to which you will submit a complete proposal/application resulting from this pilot funding, including the complete URL for each RFA/RFP.
  • References

3) Biosketch for each investigator (1-page limit for each investigator)

  • Use NIH, NSF, or another appropriate agency format

4) Budget (1-page limit)

  • PIs may use the funds for materials, supplies, equipment, travel expenses related to fieldwork, offsetting the costs for student assistants, and supporting participant incentives.
  • Faculty may not use the funds to support faculty effort (workload allocation).
  • AREI will support one undergraduate investigator through the SURE program for your funded project in summer 2025 or 2026. The funding for the SURE student is separate from your project鈥檚 budget.

5) Budget Justification (1-page limit)

6) Chair/Director/Dean Memo of Support

Submit the complete application to arei@kent.edu. Please direct questions to Carla Goar at cgoar@kent.edu