
3/24- Smith Hall Renovation Updates

Work in Progress:

  • First floor restroom and offices duct layout is complete with HVAC piping and duct installation has begun.
  • Room 101 & 104 electrical rough-in is at 90% complete.
  • Machine Shop electric panel installed and completed on Saturday 3/19.
  • Room 223 electrical floor boxes are complete.
  • Currently core drilling for drains and water lines throughout the building.
  • Currently framing the 3rd floor restrooms and research lab.

Looking Forward:

  • Complete rough-in of all walls in 101, 104 and machine shop.  Complete inspections of all trades prior to gypsum wall board installation starting.
  • Domestic water and sanitary piping continuation throughout the building.
  • Continue with duct installation on the 1st floor. Begin coordination drawings for the duct work on the 3rd floor. 3rd floor duct work to begin April 25th.
  • Continue will wall patching at removed Uni-vent locations.
  • Steel delivery date is set for April 6th.
POSTED: Thursday, March 24, 2016 04:54 PM
Updated: Thursday, January 19, 2017 09:05 AM