
History & Employment

The ACCEPT Program at KSU began September 2021 and will continue until at least August 2025, and a total of 104 undergraduate students will benefit from the program over its first four years.

Year 1

Year 1 of the ACCEPT Program (2021-22) graduated 17 Trainees, 10 of whom are employed in the behavioral health field. Employment locations for Year 1 ACCEPT Trainees include  in Kent,  in Cleveland, MetroHealth Medical Center鈥檚  in Cleveland, and  in Youngstown. 

Year 2A

Year 2A of the ACCEPT Program (2022-23) graduated 11 Trainees. Most of these Trainees completed their addictions counseling practicum during Summer 2023 at behavioral health facilities including in Barberton, of Portage County, in Warren, and in Akron.

Year 2B

Eight ACCEPT Year 2B Trainees are completing their addictions counseling practicum Fall 2023. They will complete the ACCEPT Program December 2023.

Year 3A

There are 19 Year 3A ACCEPT Trainees who began Fall 2023. They will complete the ACCEPT Program August 2024.