Teacher Licensure & Endorsement Information
The College of EHHS offers a variety of teacher licensure pathways at the graduate level for degree-holders outside of education (initial licensure), for licensed teachers seeking additional licensure areas and/or endorsement areas to enhance their credentials and for Alternative Resident Educators looking to advance their alternative license to an Ohio professional teaching license (ALPDI).
We also offer three State-approved Professional Pupil Services licensure programs in School Counseling, School Psychology and School Speech Language Pathology. This page provides essential information and resources for graduate licensure students as they progress through their licensure programs.
Program Areas and Contacts
Licensure Areas & Contacts
Early Childhood Education (±Ê–5)
Licensure Program Area | Prerequisite Advising | Program Contact |
Early Childhood Education (±Ê–5) Additional Licensure Preparation | n/a | Dr. Elizabeth Kenyon |
Early Childhood Education Master of Arts in Teaching (Initial Licensure) | Erin Harwood | Dr. Elizabeth Kenyon |
Middle Childhood Education (4–9)
Licensure Program Area | Prerequisite Advising | Program Contact |
Middle Childhood Education (4–9) Initial Licensure Preparation | Erin Harwood | Dr. Danielle Gruhler |
Middle Childhood Education (4–9) Additional Licensure Preparation | Erin Harwood | Dr. Danielle Gruhler |
Adolescent and Young Adult Education/Secondary Education (7–12)
Licensure Program Area | Prerequisite Advising | Program Contact |
Master of Arts in Teaching (Initial Licensure for 7–12 and some P–12 subject areas) | Erin Harwood | Dr. Scott Durham |
Special Education
School Counseling
Licensure Program Area | Program Contact |
School Counseling | Dr. Marty Jencius |
School Psychology
Licensure Program Area | Program Contact |
School Psychology | Dr. Richard Cowan |
Speech Language Pathology
Licensure Program Area | Program Contact |
Speech Language Pathology | Dr. Ali Barikroo |
School Health
Licensure Program Area | Program Contact |
School Health Education (P–12) Additional Licensure Preparation | Dr. Donna Bernert |
Initial Licensure in School Health is available through the Master of Arts in Teaching – Adolescent and Young Adult (Secondary Education) | Dr. Scott Durham |
School Library Media (K–12)
Licensure Program Area | Program Contact |
School Library Media PK–12 Initial Licensure (See Note 1) | Dr. Meghan Harper |
School Library Media Additional Licensure (See Note 2) | Dr. Meghan Harper |
Table Notes
1 Initial Licensure in School Library Media PK-12 is available through the Dual Degree program Master of Library & Information Science (M.L.I.S) with the School Library Media concentration (program offered through the College of Communication & Information) AND the Master of Education in Educational Technology (program offered through the College of Education, Health & Human Services).
2 Additional Licensure is available through the Graduate Non-Degree School Library Media Licensure program offered through the College of Communication & Information.
Endorsement Areas & Contacts
Table Notes
1 This program is also offered as an initial multi-age licensure in Teaching English as a Second Language. Please contact the Department of English in the College of Arts & Sciences for more information.
ALPDI Areas & Contacts
Alternative Licensure Professional Development Institute (ALPDI)
The Alternative Licensure Professional Development Institute (ALPDI) at 5XÉçÇø serves new teachers who have completed the Ohio Department of Education requirements for an Alternative Resident Educator License. These teachers have two years to complete 15-18 credit hours, depending on their area of licensure, from a state-approved professional development institute.
The Kent State ALPDI program addresses the requirements for this advancement by providing 12 semester credit hours of professional education coursework to prepare teachers in the principles and practices of teaching, student development and learning, assessment procedures, curriculum development, classroom management and teaching methodology. In addition, the Ohio Department of Education requires 3 semester credit hours for a course in the teaching of reading for teachers in licensures other than language arts; English/Language Arts licensure teachers are also required to take a 3-semester credit hour course in phonics.
Applicants must have successfully completed the Intensive Pedagogical Training Institute (IPTI) or an Alternative Resident Educator Institute (AREI) and have been issued an Alternative Resident Educators License. They then have two years to move to an Ohio 5-year Professional License. Upon completion of the ALPDI, a Certificate of Completion will be issued which may be uploaded to ODE in application to advance the alternative license to a 5-year professional license.
Visit the School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Studies for more information about the ALPDI program application process and admission deadlines.