
Hallways Handbook

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Resident Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Welcome to your residential community at 5X! An important part of what makes living in our community enjoyable is the thoughtful consideration that our residents demonstrate for one another. It is the responsibility of all residents to act in ways to support the rights below. It is also the responsibility of each resident to appropriately communicate with roommates, suitemates, and neighbors who act in ways that infringe upon these rights. These rights - and the associated responsibilities - are designed to help us achieve our mission to cultivate safe, inclusive communities that nourish student wellness and success.

The rights and responsibilities of a resident include:

  • The right to read and study in your room free from undue interference - and the responsibility to communicate with your roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) about your academic needs.
  • The right to sleep without undue disturbances - and the responsibility to communicate and compromise with your roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) about your rest needs.
  • The right to expect that roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) and other residents will respect your personal belongings - and the responsibility to respect others’ personal belongings.
  • The right to a clean environment in which to live - and the responsibility to communicate and compromise with your roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) regarding what a clean environment means, and to act in ways that reflect that shared definition.
  • The right to free access to your room and shared facilities without pressure from roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) and others in the community - and the responsibility to allow others access to those spaces.
  • The right to privacy whenever possible - and the responsibility to communicate and compromise with your roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) regarding privacy needs, and to act in ways that respect those needs. 
  • The right to host guests, with permission from roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) - and the responsibility to ensure that your guests respect the rights of your roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) and other hall residents.
  • The right to voice concerns with University Housing staff- and the responsibility to bring your concerns to staff members in a timely manner.
  • The right to be free from fear of intimidation, physical harm, and emotional harm - and the responsibility to not intimate or harm others.
  • The right to expect reasonable cooperation in the use of university-provided items in your room or suite - and the responsibility to communicate and compromise with your roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s) regarding needs.
  • The right to assistance and support from University Housing staff - and the responsibility to ask staff for help in a timely manner. 

University Housing at 5X seeks to foster an inclusive community that welcomes and respects all people. Every member of our community is expected to commit to maintaining a safe, respectful, inclusive and welcoming community. Learn more about our commitment to diversity.

Supporting a Safe and Inclusive Environment

Our mission is to cultivate safe, inclusive communities that nourish student wellness and success. To support this mission, we expect every member of our community to assist in creating and maintaining a safe, respectful, and welcoming space - one that allows all students to enjoy the rights listed above.

As such, acts of unlawful discrimination and harassment are prohibited via 5-16 University Policy Regarding Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment.

We expect students to be mindful of the impact their actions may have on their residence hall community. For example, a message displayed on a room door facing the hallway, something written on a student white board, a message or image showing to the public from a residence hall room window, are actions that can impact community members, particularly as the community is unable to avoid being exposed to them. These types of writings, actions or words can be harmful even if they are not intended to be.

Any concerns regarding these issues may be reported directly to University Housing staff members, who will then follow established procedure in reviewing the issue and who will take further steps as necessary.

Conflict Resolution

University Housing seeks to assist students who are experiencing conflict using restorative practices. Restorative processes seek to help students involved in conflicts understand their role and the harm caused to themselves and others in the community, and develop strategies to help students repair any harm caused. Professional staff members are trained in restorative practices, as well as mediation and other conflict resolution methods. If you are experiencing a conflict with another member of our community, please do not hesitate to reach out to your RA or A/RHD for assistance.

Community Agreements

University Housing seeks to foster community and engaged citizens by having floor sections develop Community Agreements at the beginning of each semester. This agreement should be the starting point for addressing community concerns that may arise during the year. Community Agreement discussions center around issues that impact each floor, such as noise, bathroom cleanliness, and communication between floormates. Part of the process for developing Community Agreements includes staff sharing information on ways to resolve conflicts that may occur between roommates and/or suitemates and floormates. Throughout the year, hall staff will respond to community issues in consideration of the Community Agreement. The Community Agreement may be updated at any time through additional floor meetings.

Roommate/Suitemate Agreements

University Housing seeks to support roommate and suitemate relationships by establishing Roommate/Suitemate Agreements between all residents who share a room. Roommate/Suitemate Agreements are designed to help facilitate a discussion between roommates about issues such as guests, noise, cleanliness and shared items. This agreement will be the starting point for addressing concerns that may arise during the year. Students are encouraged to renegotiate their Roommate/Suitemate Agreement as issues arise. This tool is most effective when the roommates are open and honest. Find more information about Roommate/Suitemate Agreements.

Peer Mediators

If there is an ongoing conflict between roommates or multiple people within a residence hall, Peer Mediators will be able to assist in mediating this conflict. Peer Mediators are students trained specifically in resolving conflict between two or more parties. A Peer Mediator may reach out via email if a resident has had a previous conflict, and already met with their RA. If a resident would like to meet with a Peer Mediator or set up a mediation, they may contact Safety and Community Care at 330-672-7004. Learn more about our Peer Mediator program.


Abandoned Property

After students move out of their rooms, University Housing may collect abandoned property that is deemed items of value. University Housing stores items of value for a minimum of 30 days, and a maximum of 60 days. After this time, University Housing will donate the abandoned property to a local nonprofit.

Examples of items that are not deemed as valuable are hangers, cleaning supplies, power strips, mirrors, mattress pads, pillows, and socks which will be discarded and not placed in our abandoned property collections.

University Housing is not responsible for any items that are left behind and discarded, as it is the student’s responsibility to remove all personal belongings upon move out. If you believe you left property on campus after a departure, please contact Safety and Community Care at 330-672-7004.


Any residence hall student who brings a bicycle on campus is urged to register their bicycle with Safety and Community Care. Students can begin this process by contacting 330-672-7004.

Bicycles must be kept only in authorized bicycle storage areas, on bike racks, and in student rooms with the approval of roommate(s) and/or suitemate(s). Bicycles found in non-authorized storage areas may be removed at the owner’s expense. Bicycles may not be chained to stairwells or block passage from the building. Riding bicycles in the residence hall is prohibited. Mopeds or any other gas-powered bicycles may not be taken into the residence halls for any reason.

Students must remove their bicycles from storage areas or bike racks when they check out of the residence halls. Bicycles that are left on campus at the end of spring semester will be stored for a minimum of 30 days, and a maximum of 60 days. After this time, University Housing will donate them to a local nonprofit.

Damage to Common Areas

Damage to common areas and vandalism can affect the attractiveness of our spaces and the quality of life for the students who reside with us. Students may be billed for damage to university property, whether by vandalism, horseplay or accident - when appropriate, and only after educational and restorative measures have been enacted within a community All floor/community residents can collectively be held responsible for damages to public areas that cannot be attributed to specific individuals. Our process for community billing includes:

  • If a residential floor or public area incurs damages, theft of 5X property, or excessive trash is left in the community space, an “intent to bill” notification will be sent to all students affected.
  • The “intent to bill” will notify floor residents of the charge for damages or extra cleaning. Students will have three days to ascertain the responsible individual(s) and communicate the responsible party’s identity to the University Housing staff.
  • After three days, if no individual has claimed responsibility or been identified, the entire floor/community may be charged.
  • The charge may immediately be placed on the students’ account with the Bursar’s Office.

If a student wishes to appeal community billing charges, a letter must be submitted to the Assistant Director for Residential Communities within 72 hours of the notification. Students should submit any documentation or proof with a letter of appeal that clearly outlines why they believe they should not be billed for damage. After an appeal is submitted, the Assistant Director for Residential Communities or designee will review the information and communicate their decision to the student.

Laundry Services

Residents are expected to retrieve laundry from university washers and dryers in a timely manner. Any laundry that is not retrieved may be collected by University Housing staff. Students should reach out to the desk or their RHD for more information on left items. Clothing items may be donated or disposed of each week if students do not claim them. For more information on University Housing laundry services, please see our Laundry Service page.

Room and Community Upkeep

Students are responsible for the upkeep of both their individual room as well as community spaces. Residents are responsible for the cleaning of their rooms on a regular basis, as well as their private bathroom (if applicable). This includes removing trash to the appropriate receptacles. Students are expected to clean up after themselves in restrooms, lounges, and other common spaces in the residence halls.

University Housing reserves the right to take corrective action, including cleaning the room and billing the resident. in situations that present a health or safety concern. Whenever possible, the first course of action will be to ask the resident(s) of the room to remedy the situation within 24 hours.

Residents should avoid placing furniture or other property within two feet of a room’s HVAC louver (vent). This exists to ensure proper air circulation within our communities.

Vacuums may be available in your community; please check with your RA, ARHD, or RHD.

University Liability

5X and University Housing will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to the personal property of the student from any cause, nor will the university and University Housing assume responsibility for any injury or damages, personal or property, while the student is a resident.

Students should double check that all personal property has been removed from their rooms and adjacent areas (e.g., bike racks) when checking out of the residence hall. Students are strongly encouraged to consider carrying some form of personal insurance if the family policy does not cover property while it is located at the university.

Work Orders

Ready Work work orders can be submitted online. Ready Work is the online system used to submit and track work orders. Work orders can be added for a variety of reasons; see the full list on the website.

Health and Safety

Fire Evacuation Procedures

Residents should familiarize themselves with the information found on our Fire Safety webpage, and should review the fire safety guidelines, tips, and preventative measures found in our policies highlighted later in this manual.

State law requires that all students leave the building, including their rooms and/or public areas, whenever a fire alarm is sounded. The entire building must be evacuated any time an alarm is sounded. Failure to do so will result in a referral to the Office of Student Conduct. During a fire alarm, report to your hall’s designated meeting place:

  • Fletcher and Manchester – Manchester Field
  • Allyn and Clark – Grassy Area between Beall/McDowell
  • Twin Towers – Grassy Area between Allyn/Clark
  • Wright and Koonce – Basketball Court
  • Leebrick – Volleyball Court
  • Korb – Eastway Center steps
  • Engleman – Oscar Ritchie
  • Prentice – Dunbar Hall
  • Dunbar – Prentice Hall
  • CCA and CCB – Grassy Area between CCA and CCB
  • CCC and CCD – Grassy Area between CCC and CCD
  • CCE and CCF – Grassy Area between CCE and CCF
  • Lake and Olson – Grassy Area between Lake/Olson and Stopher/Johnson
  • Stopher and Johnson – Grassy Area between Lake/Olson and Stopher/Johnson

Fire Safety Room Inspections

In an effort to help educate residents about fire safety issues in their rooms, and to promote the safety of students in the residence halls, University Housing conducts Fire Safety Room Inspections at least twice a year. During each inspection, University Housing staff will enter students’ rooms and suites to visually look for fire safety issues, and will bring those issues to the attention of those who live in the room or suite. 

Fire Safety Room Inspections will be announced at least 24 hours in advance so that residents can arrange to be present if desired. Inspections will be completed by a minimum of two staff members. Staff will only inspect items that are in plain view. No closets, drawers or refrigerators will be opened.

Some items that staff will look for include non-permitted lamps, decorations on the ceiling, smoke detectors covered, candles and incense, unsafe electrical cords, doorway obstruction and electrical outlet overloading. Information about items that are permitted/not-permitted can be found on our Fire Safety webpage, as well as our policies highlighted later in this manual.

After Fire Safety Room Inspections, students will be expected to correct any identified safety concern within 24 hours. While RAs are looking for fire safety concerns, any other policy violations that staff notice in plain view will be documented accordingly - in most instances, utilizing a restorative and educational approach. In our announcement to students about Fire Safety Room Inspections, we will let students know that staff will need to document any other policy violations they notice during the inspections. 

Good Samaritan Provision

The health, safety, and well-being of 5X students are of primary concern.  The University’s Good Samaritan Provision supports responsible decision-making in emergency, possibly life-threatening, situations. Learn more about 5X’s Good Samaritan Provision.

Safety Hazards and Illegal Items

University Housing reserves the right to remove items that are illegal, and items that create a substantial risk or harm to people and/or property. Residents may only possess pocketknives (knives with a folding blade or blades, suitable for carrying in a pocket) or basic cooking knives used only for cooking purposes in the residence halls. All other knives will be subject to removal and confiscation. Confiscation of items is managed by Safety & Community Care with the exception of illegal items, which is managed by 5X Police Services.

Prohibited items that may be confiscated include, but are not limited to:

  • BB guns
  • Airsoft guns
  • Paint pellet guns
  • Laser lights
  • Sling shots
  • Martial arts weapons
  • Stun guns
  • Tasers
  • Fireworks
  • Weapons
  • Firearms
  • Illegal drugs, including controlled substances under Federal law
  • Candles
  • Swords
  • Metal-tipped darts
  • Incense
  • Desk lamps or freestanding lamps containing halogen light bulbs
  • Knives, other than pocketknives (defined above)

Tornado and Severe Weather Procedures

University Housing, along with the entire university community, has developed notification and emergency procedures in the event of severe weather or tornadoes. Residents should familiarize themselves with the information found on our Tornado Safety webpage.

Room Entry, Room Search, and Four-Corners Checks

Room Entry and Room Search Policy

The guidelines outlined for entry and search at the university are intended for internal protection and control. This will not limit the ability of law enforcement or a judicial agency from seeking and obtaining legal search warrants for use on the university campus. Section 3342-4-05.1 of the 5X Policy Register contains the room entry and room search policy.

“Room entry” is defined as entrance to a student’s room to fulfill the duties of authorized personnel. “Room search” is defined as a formal seeking out of evidence for reasonable cause that one of the conditions for room search has been violated.

Conditions for room entry include:

  • A student’s room may be entered to ensure maintenance and general repair within the student’s living area in accordance with Administrative Policy 4-05.1 or in response to a student’s work request; in cases of emergency; for periodic health and fire safety inspections; and after winter and spring break closings.
  • There is a possibility that noise-related problems may exist in rooms when the occupant(s) is not in the area and cannot be contacted (e.g., an alarm clock or telephone continuously rings, electronic devices are left playing too loud). A situation such as this could create an undesirable environment for neighboring residents. In a situation such as this, staff members may enter the room to alleviate the problem in accordance with the Room Entry and Room Search Policy.
  • To fulfill their responsibilities, when fire drills are in progress, residence hall staff may enter and inspect rooms to ensure that the hall is vacant.
  • University Housing professional staff may enter a student’s room to enforce university policies.

The following personnel shall be authorized to enter residence hall student rooms under the conditions prescribed above:

  • Authorized professional and paraprofessional members of the University Housing staff, including RAs and Safety Assistants.
  • Authorized members of the university maintenance and housekeeping staff.
  • Authorized members of the 5X Police Services (only for life safety emergencies including condition 3 above or with a court-ordered search warrant).
  • Non-university personnel contracted by University Housing or an agent of University Housing to perform maintenance or repair services.

The occupant or occupants will be informed of the reasons for any room search. Room searches must be authorized by the lead housing official or designee. Rooms will be searched only with reasonable cause; two basic situations may precipitate a room search:

  • A clear indication that established Code of Student Conduct or health and safety regulations are being violated.
  • An emergency situation that makes it necessary for a staff member to search a room for a particular item, such as a discarded prescription bottle.

Procedures personnel will follow when entering a room:

Unless a situation is emergent, staff members will not enter without knocking. Entry, following the knock shall be preceded by a time lapse of sufficient duration to provide an occupant(s) with opportunity to open the door. A resident may deny entry to staff entering their room at any time, however, this denial may be documented.

If it should be necessary under the conditions outlined for authorized university personnel or their agents to enter a room when an occupant is not present, the occupant(s) will be notified of the entry and the reason for the entry.

Other Policies

Celebratory Candles and Incense

In an effort to support all identities and backgrounds, University Housing will provide a private space to allow students to practice celebratory ceremonies of their religious, or holiday celebrations in a secured and safe environment. These activities may include the use of celebratory candles and/or incense for groups of one to three students. In those cases, written permission must be obtained from Safety and Community Care within University Housing, two business days in advance of the activity, and specific guidelines must be followed. Students should contact Safety and Community Care, 330-672-7004, if they would like more information on the guidelines of the celebratory candles and incense policy. 

If the event includes more than three students, the students will be directed to University Scheduling in the Kent Student Center. The Kent Student Center has the venue and guidelines to support larger events. 


Students who are locked out of their room should use the MobileID app to regain entry. MobileID can be used for access into buildings as well as individual bedrooms. For more information about MobileID, see our Access website. Students are able to use MobileID as many times as needed throughout the year. If students who are locked out do not have their phone with them, they should visit their local area desk to obtain a temporary key. Students are permitted four free lockouts via the area desk’s temporary key process per year. Students will be billed $5 per lockout that includes utilizing a temporary key via the area desk, beginning with the fifth lockout. Temporary keys must be returned to the desk by 9 pm the same day; late or not returned temporary keys will result in a $25 lost key/replacement fee. When the area desk is closed, students who are locked out who do not have their phone with them should contact the RA on duty. Lost key/replacement appeals need to be directed to the area desk supervisor. 

Pet Policy

Pets, except fish, are not permitted in the residence halls, student rooms or public areas of the halls. For fish, the fish tank capacity per room may not exceed 30 gallons. This policy includes the pets of guests.

Any animals that are not approved as an Assistance Animal are not allowed anywhere in the residence halls (even temporarily). Animals that not yet approved, but going through the process to become Assistance Animals are not allowed in the residence halls. To be considered an Assistance Animal the paperwork must be fully complete and turned into Student Accessibility Services (SAS) with their approval before the animal will be allowed in the residence halls. Students that are working to get approval of an animal as an Assistance Animal must keep the animal off campus until SAS approval has been granted. Residents are not allowed to possess any animal care items such as food, toys, litter, etc. Residents found to be in possession of any prohibited pet(s) or possession of animal care items will be referred to the conduct process and may also be charge a cleaning/sanitation fee, and they will also be asked to remove the pet from the property immediately.

Students who are approved for an Assistance Animal must abide by the Policy on in University Housing.


Residents and their guests are welcome to use the restroom that aligns with their gender identity. Guests must be escorted by a resident of the hall at all times.

Tri-Towers Rotunda and Other Common Areas 

Code of Student Conduct policies, as well as all other residence hall policies listed in this Hallways Handbook, remain in effect in areas such as lounges, lobbies, hallways, the Tri-Towers Rotunda, and other common spaces for residence hall students across campus.

Residence Hall Student Conduct Process

Students living in the residence halls are responsible for their actions as well as for the actions of their guests. It is the expectation of the university community that each member of the community will respect all community members and their property, and it is the responsibility of each student to be aware of our policies and expectations.

Either by error or intent, some members of the community may violate community standards. At these times, we will hold community members responsible for their actions.

Students who violate a University Code of Student Conduct policy, or who violate any residence hall policy highlighted in the next section of this manual, are required to participate in conduct meetings, during which students will meet with a University Housing staff member to talk about the incident and the impact it had on members of the community. It is our goal to help assist students in identifying the impact incidents have on themselves and on others in our residential community, and to assist students in developing solutions to repair any harm they created. Typically, University Housing staff members assign educational and restorative obligations for students to complete. Educational obligations seek to help students understand our policies, and restorative obligations and processes seek to help students involved understand their role in an incident and the harm caused to themselves and others in the community, and to develop strategies to help students repair that harm.

When a more serious violation occurs, or when a student repeatedly violates university and/or residence hall policies, University Housing may refer the student to the Office of Student Conduct.

Residence Hall Policies

Residence hall students are expected to review, know, and follow the Code of Student Conduct. In addition, students are expected to review, know, and follow the policies below that are specific to the residence halls.

Alcohol - University Housing’s Policy

In addition to the Code of Student Conduct’s definitions, our policies include:

  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages and the possession of alcoholic beverage containers are permitted only if all individuals either present or assigned to a room are 21 years of age or older.
  • Residents who are present in the room containing alcohol must be in possession of valid identification (identification that includes birthdate and a picture), and will be required to provide this identification to a university employee. Examples include state IDs, driver’s licenses, passports, etc.
  • Alcohol cannot be consumed in a common space (lounge, restroom, community kitchen, etc.) in the building.
  • No resident may have alcohol shipped to them on campus.

Facilities Policies

The following behavior is prohibited:

  • Accessing a residence hall roof. This creates a physical safety risk. Only authorized university personnel may have access to or be on the roof of any residence hall building and adjoining facilities. 
  • Removing or tampering with a window or window screen. 
  • Throwing or dropping objects from or into a residence hall window. This creates a physical safety risk.
  • Hanging objects from a residence hall window. This creates a fire safety risk.
  • Entering or exiting a residence hall by way of a window. This creates a physical safety risk.
  • Removing furniture from lounges or public areas. This interferes with other residents’ rights to access amenities within shared facilities.
  • Depositing bodily waste in an area not designed for such use. This creates a health risk to the community.
  • Participating in activities that could cause damage to property or harm to others. Examples may include pranks, general horseplay, playing sports, in-line skating, roller skating, skateboarding, cycling, water balloon fights, and use of toy weapons. These activities create physical safety risks.

Fire Safety Policies

For a full list of our fire safety policies, see below.

Guest/Escort Policy

Residents may bring guests into the residence halls. A guest is defined as any person who is not assigned to that specific room in the residence hall. All guests must be escorted by their host at all times – including in stairwells, bathrooms, lobbies and elevators. Residents are responsible for and will be held accountable for the actions of their guests. Residents are responsible for all violations that occur within their rooms, regardless of whether they are physically present in the room at the time. Guests may not be issued a temporary access card. Residents are not to loan or allow anyone to use their key or access card at any time.

University Housing staff members reserve the right to require a guest to leave the room/floor/building when a guest is disruptive or not escorted by a resident of the building. University Housing also reserves the right to limit guest privileges to a room/floor/building as a disciplinary action when a guest is disruptive or not escorted by a resident of the building.

With the consent of all roommates and/or suitemates, residents may permit a guest to stay overnight in their room for no more than seven (7) nights in a month. These nights do not need to be consecutive. A specific guest may stay no longer than 7 nights in a month. A resident may have more than one guest a month, but each guest can only stay for 7 nights in a month.

There is an before a guest may stay overnight. Failure to fill out the form may be considered a violation of the guest policy. Guest/escort policies may change based on university needs, such as a public health emergency. University Housing staff will notify students should policies change.

Improper Room Change

Only students officially assigned to a room/space by University Housing shall occupy that space. Subleasing is not permitted. 

Misuse of University Keys

FLASHcards and/or residence hall room key cards may not be duplicated, transferred, borrowed, loaned, given to or possessed by any other individual. This applies to both physical cards and the CBORD Mobile ID app. Use of  MobileID or related PIN codes using someone else’s FlashLine credentials is not permitted - as an example, a student is not permitted to give another student their Mobile ID credentials.

Quiet/Courtesy Hours

Quiet hours (the absence of loud noise or distractions, with no or minimal noise coming from any given space) are established times when each student is expected to keep noise at an extreme minimum. This policy exists as an effort to respect all residents who may be choosing to sleep or study. Room occupants are expected to monitor noise levels in their room. Quiet hours exist within each residence hall as follows:

  • Sunday - Thursday nights: 10 p.m. - 10 a.m.
  • Friday and Saturday nights: 2 a.m. - 10 a.m.
  • 24-hour quiet hours go into effect at 10 p.m. on the Monday of exam weeks and remain in effect until the close of the semester.
  • On long vacation weekends (i.e., a Monday holiday), weekend quiet hours will be in effect the night before the vacation day
  • Weekday quiet hours do not change for mid-week holidays or during break housing periods.

Courtesy hours are in effect at all times. Courtesy hours are defined as conditions under which normal and reasonable noise is not disruptive or disturbing to either students or staff. Room occupants are expected to monitor noise levels in their room.

Room Capacity

For a single occupancy room, a maximum number of 3 people including you at any time is permitted. For a double/triple occupancy room, a maximum number of 8 people including you at any time is permitted. For Beall/McDowell 4-person suites, CCA 4-person suites, and Engleman 4-person suites, a maximum number of 15 people including you at any time is permitted. These policies exist as a way to ensure consistency with fire safety standards.

Room capacity policies may change based on university needs, such as a public health emergency. University Housing staff will notify students should policies change.


Door-to-door sales and solicitation in residence halls and academic and administrative buildings are expressly prohibited. Solicitation is defined as any effort to ask for donations or contributions of money, goods or services. An individual or group may not operate a business enterprise of any sort in the residence halls without the prior written approval from the department lead for University Housing. 

Fire Safety Policies

Students are responsible for upholding all fire safety policies outlined below.


  • Residence hall room doors, door frames, and handles, both interior and exterior (student doors, exit doors, bathroom doors, lounge doors, kitchen doors, trash room doors) may not be covered with any decorations or any other combustibles, with the exception of items used for religious purposes.
  • No decorations or any other combustibles can occupy any portion of the door space (i.e., no decoration may be attached to the wall above the door and hang down in front of the door). 
  • All decorations must be noncombustible or fire resistant and bear the label of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL).
  • No decorations shall interfere with safe passage or evacuation. No decorations may be placed or hung in any stairway or exit routes. Decorations may not obstruct a person’s vision or walk path in any way. Nothing is to be hung from any ceiling or draped from one wall to another in any offices, rooms or lounge. Examples include decoration of any kind, flags, posters, wires, cables, etc.
  • Exit signs, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, fire alarm pulls, emergency lights, audible fire signals/strobe lights, exit doors, student doors, sprinkler heads/cover plates and/or any other life safety device cannot be decorated, covered or obstructed in any way. An 18-inch clearance around all safety devices must be maintained.
  • Hay, straw, leaves, corn shucks, or other dried vegetation, cut evergreen trees and branches are not permitted in any building.
  • For safety reasons, no electrical cords or lighting shall be hung around, attached or under any bed frame, door frame or placed underneath a carpet.
  • Welcome mats and other decorative items such as candy bowls that are placed in the hallway in front or near room doors are not permitted. Hallways must be kept completely clear to prevent obstacles in an evacuation.

Lighting/Extension Cords

  • Halogen light bulbs (used in desk lamps or free-standing lamps) are prohibited due to the excessive heat they generate and the danger of combustion. Only desk lamps or free-standing lamps which use fluorescent or incandescent light bulbs are permitted.
  • Torchiere-style lamps, including multi-armed or flexible floor lamps, are prohibited.
  • Crepe paper or other material may not be wrapped around any light fixture.
  • Building light bulbs may not be painted.
  • Only lighting sets with an Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) label may be used. 
  • Decorative lights used inside buildings must be the “miniature” type or rope lighting, and must not be wrapped around beds or other items in the room.
  • No more than two 12-foot lengths of rope lighting or one set of 100 miniature lights are permitted in a student room or living area. Lighted decorations or rope lighting may not be left unattended.
  • Extension cords are to be used sparingly and must be equipped with a ground (three prong plug) and equipped with an inline surge protector. Use of the proper length of surge protectors instead of extension cords is strongly recommended. 
  • Power strips with a safety overload circuit breaker shall be the only multi-plug adapter to be used in student rooms and/or living area. Only one power strip is to be plugged into any one outlet at one time. No other multi-plug adapters are permitted. Be careful not to overload any power strip or outlet.
  • Power strips, extension cords, rope lighting and decorative light sets shall not have a pinch point, shall not run through any door openings or be covered by rugs or clothing. They shall not be wrapped around or attached to any bed, furniture or ceiling. All electrical cords, lights and power strips must have at least 18-inch clearance from all combustible and flammable materials and shall not become a trip hazard. 
  • Removal of university-installed light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, etc., is not permitted. Residents may not install fluorescent black lights or remove light fixtures due to the fact that they do not allow an unobstructed view into the room.

Holiday Trees

Live or cut trees are not permitted in any university-owned building. Artificial trees 24 inches or less are permitted and must be certified as being a fire-resistant material, but must be kept inside the resident’s room and cannot block access to the door. No metallic trees are permitted.

Combustible Materials

Because of the combustible nature of the following materials, they may not be stored or possessed within the residence halls: oxygen tanks (except when permission is granted for medical reasons) or flammable liquids (gasoline, lighter fluid, charcoal, etc.). The storage of gasoline-powered mopeds, motorized scooters, hoverboards, and any other motorized equipment that requires a fuel source or uses a lithium ion battery, is prohibited in the residence halls.


The possession and/or use of fireworks (including sparklers and caps) is prohibited in the residence halls.

Microfridges, Refrigerators/Freezers, and Microwaves

All residence hall rooms currently contain one Kent State microfridge or full size refrigerator. Therefore, students may not bring additional microfridges, microwaves or compact refrigerators. 

Microfridges must not be located under lofted beds or behind a room door. Additionally, microfridges, microwaves and refrigerators must be plugged directly into a wall outlet; they are not permitted to be plugged into a surge protector or extension cord.

Ceilings/Walls/False Barriers

Nails, adhesive tape, glue, screws and tacks should not be used in order to keep walls and ceiling in good condition. Painting of walls is not permitted. Use of wallpaper is not permitted. Sheets, tapestries, furniture or any other objects that create a barrier or a false wall that obstructs a clear view of the room including all four corners are not permitted - including hanging curtains or sheets from lofted beds. In an emergency, such barriers could hamper entry by university personnel and prove to be a life safety hazard to the residents and guests of the room.

No items may be attached to the ceiling at any time. When arranging the furniture in your room, no large items may block the main window in the room. If beds are bunked and arranged so that they are parallel to the window, there must be at least two feet of space between the bunked beds and the window.

Electrical Appliances

Misuse of university appliances or possession of prohibited appliances is a violation of University Housing policy.

The following items are not permitted in the residence halls:

  • Devices with un-enclosed heating elements
  • Toaster ovens
  • Freezers
  • Lava Lamps
  • Window/portable air conditioners or space heaters
  • Indoor grills

The following appliances are permitted in the residence halls:

  • Automatic, pop-up toaster
  • Crock pot, instant pot, or slow food cooker
  • Sandwich maker
  • Waffle iron
  • Blender
  • Food processor
  • Portable or stand mixer
  • Air fryer
  • Automatic coffee maker (with fully enclosed heating element)
  • Hot pot (with fully enclosed heating element and automatic shut-off)
  • Corn popper (with fully enclosed heating element and automatic shut-off)
  • Clothes iron (with temperature settings)
  • Curling iron
  • Hair straightener/flat iron
  • Fish aquarium heater
  • Hair dryer
  • Hair rollers
  • Heating pad (with temperature settings)
  • Electric blanket (with temperature settings)
  • Instant Pots

Electrical appliances and devices must not be placed in a closet due to poor ventilation and combustibility.


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