BSN Convocation Ceremony
- Kent
Dear BSN students graduating in May 2025,

Your pinning ceremony (Convocation) will be held on Friday, May 9th in the Kent Student Center Ballroom. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the ceremony begins at 6:30 p.m. Limited guest registration will be available. Graduating seniors will receive informative emails beginning February 2025.
Information about pinning and event registration will be emailed to graduating seniors. Once you have ordered a pin and have questions about your pin order, please contact: Jim Coleman, Ltd.Phone: 847-963-8100 or email: Remember, all students are pinned with a ribbon regardless of whether they ordered a pin or not.
If your loved ones cannot attend the convocation, please share this webpage with them as we will be livestreaming the event.
The link to the livestream will be shared here: