
Make an appointment





To schedule an appointment 

You can schedule an appointment by calling 330-672-9550 or online on our appointment scheduler at Do NOT schedule if you are not a main campus Kent State student.  We will cancel the appointment.

Eligibility for services 

You must be a main campus, Kent State student to be eligible for services.  If you are not a Kent State student, please do not schedule an appointment, we cannot assist you and we will cancel the appointment.  Regional campus students are not eligible for services. If you have any questions about your eligibility or the SLS fee, please contact SLS by texting or calling 330-672-9550 or by emailing studentls@kent.edu.

Schedule and complete intake form 

  1. Carefully enter your email address when scheduling your appointment online.
  2. Once you schedule, you will receive an email with a link to a form you must complete before your scheduled appointment.
  3. If you do not complete the form before your appointment, we will cancel your appointment. 

Types of appointments

  1. Appointments: For all appointments other than notary, you can choose whether you are meeting the attorney in our office, by phone, or via video.  
  2. Notary appointments: Notary appointments must be conducted in our office.  Use the notary schedule to make an in-person appointment.  Do not sign the document before your appointment.


If you need to cancel this appointment, please email us at studentls@kent.edu, or text us at (330) 672-9550 as soon as possible so that we can make the appointment available for another student.   


Student Legal Services is not a university office or department. Any information provided to SLS will not be disclosed to the university or any other individual or party without your express consent or as expressly required by law. Due to the nature of conducting phone and video appointments, to ensure you maintain the confidentiality of the conversation, you should find a place to take the call without others around who may hear your side of the conversation. The attorney you speak to on the phone will ensure she or he is calling from a confidential space. 


Please note the following polices of our office

  • No third parties, such as parents, friends, partners, spouse, roommates, co-defendants, or others shall be permitted during the consultation without the attorney’s express permission. If you’d like someone else to join your appointment, you must ask the attorney first. Only the attorney can make an exception to this policy.
  • No recording.  There is absolutely no recording of any SLS consultations, over the phone, other voice or video systems, or in person.  SLS explicitly does NOT consent to ANY recordings. Limited exceptions can be made by SLS attorney only.
  • No Show policy: SLS is concerned about ensuring access to attorneys for all eligible students.  Once an appointment is confirmed, an SLS attorney will necessarily block out that time and prohibit other matters from being scheduled.  A failure to cancel an appointment in advance or a failure to appear will negatively impact the effectiveness of the service for other students and the attorney.  Accordingly, SLS has a No-Show policy to discourage these missed opportunities.  If a student either: (1) Fails to cancel a scheduled appointment by providing advance notice of at least 10 minutes; or (2) Arrives for a scheduled appointment more than 10 minutes late; or (3) Fails to appear for a scheduled appointment altogether; then that student will be considered a No-Show for that appointment.  Any student accumulating more than 3 No-Show appointments may forfeit further eligibility for services from SLS during that participation year.