
University Event Registration Operational Procedures

Operational Procedures are an extension of the Administrative policy regarding event registration and use of university facilities and grounds (5-12.4).

Users/Clients of 5X (KSU) facilities shall observe all applicable UECS and KSU policies, as well as all local, state, and federal laws, statutes, and ordinances. The client shall only have the use of the facilities as specified on the approved event registration confirmation. All alterations to the facility, building systems, room set-ups , or equipment are subject to approval from UECS staff members. At the conclusion of the event, users/clients should leave facilities in a clean and safe condition. 

UECS reserves the right to alter and/or amend this Procedures document. The Kent Student Center & Involvement Director or designee shall determine any matters not expressly covered by these Policies and Procedures. 

Definition of Terms

Academic Term – the first day of fall semester classes through last day of spring semester final exams 

Գ ē any use of university facilities or grounds that must be registered 

Pending Status – your event has been reviewed by a UECS staff member and requires additional approvals and/or details 

Health & Safety Review – your event is pending the review process by the Health & Safety committee, see below under Safety Assessment for clarity   

Approval – your event registration space request has been approved by the UECS office 

𲵾ٰپDz ē the formal process for reserving use of university facilities and/or grounds.

Event Registration Confirmation – formal document approving use of university facilities and/or grounds 

Registered Student Organizations – a student organization registered with the university 

University Departments – a department, center, school, college, or division of the university 

ٱԲ&Բ;ҳܱ ē members outside the university community including, but not limited to: alumni, visitors, non-students, non-employees, and entities or organizations not registered through the 5X Center for Student Involvement 

󲹳ٲ ē any building, structure, or facility owned and operated by 5X 

ҰdzܲԻ ē any outdoor area on 5X property 

Facility Usage Fee – includes all charges for the requested space(s) except for parking permits,  specialty rentals not provided by the university, event-specific labor, Teleproductions, food/beverage 


Event Registration Process
  • All scheduled events and activities registered must adhere to the State of Ohio Department of Health, city, and county guidelines.
  • Requests for the use of University facilities or grounds must be submitted utilizing the online request form. Requests are not guaranteed until an approved confirmation of event registration has been issued. Once event registration confirmation is received, users/clients may submit changes in writing via email [uecs@kent.edu].
  • Event registration requests are processed in the order in which they are received, with consideration given to the size of the group, type of set-up needed, and space availability. UECS reserves the right to assign and, if necessary, reassign facilities to assure the maximum and most appropriate use of facilities.
  • Event registration for registered student organization, university departments and external customers 
    • Large event spaces, multi-room/multi-date events, outdoor spaces over 50 people  
      • External and departments must book a minimum eight (8) weeks before the program date.  
      • Registered student organizations must book a minimum of six (6) weeks before the program date.  
    • Events in academic classrooms, outdoor spaces with less than 50 people, lecture halls, multi-purpose spaces campus wide with university services (catering, locks, setup, audio visual)  
      • Minimum three (3) weeks before program date  
    • Events in academic classrooms, outdoor space with single information table, lecture halls, meeting spaces within the Kent Student Center with no university services  
      • Minimum two (2) weeks before program date  
  • If false information is provided with an event registration request or if the event & activities guidelines are not followed, the registered event is subject to cancellation and UECS may take disciplinary action against groups or individuals. Events for Registered Student Organizations will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct /studentconduct/code-student-conduct
Event No Show and Cancelation
  • UECS reserves the right to cancel event registrations. Circumstances for cancellations can be directed by the University or due to situations beyond the control of the University (e.g., adverse weather conditions/acts of nature, disruption of utilities, pandemics, etc.). 
  • Groups who do not show up for a meetings held within the Kent Student Center will be charged a fee for all dates and rooms. 
    • ​​​​​​​Registered student organization a flat fee of $25 per room/per date  
    • University Department and External full price of space  
  • Event cancellation for registered student organizations, university departments and external guests 
    • Large event spaces, multi-room/multi-date events, outdoor spaces over 50 people  
      • 30 days before event – 25% of charges  
      • 2 weeks before event – 50% of charges  
      • Less than 2 weeks – full charge for the space  
    • Events in academic classrooms, lecture halls, multi-purpose spaces campus wide with university services (catering, locks, setup, audio visual)  
      • Less than 1 weeks – full charge for the space  
    • Events in academic classrooms, lecture halls, meeting spaces within the Kent Student Center with no university services  
      • Less than 72 hours before an event $25 
Hourly Event Charges

KSU implemented an hourly event pricing structure, tiered based on the university’s affiliation with the group, (registered student organization, university department, co-sponsorship, and non-university). The hourly event rate encompasses all charges for the use of space, audio-visual equipment, and furniture in the KSC and campus-wide, UFM, and KSC labor. Additional individual charges will occur for catering, parking permits, specialty rentals or other items not provided by the university, event-specific labor, and teleproductions. Event registration rate schedule can be found at /universityevents/pricing.

Facility Usage Fee

The facility usage fee is an hourly event pricing structure, tiered based on the university’s affiliation with the group, (registered student organization, university department, and external). The hourly event rate encompasses all charges for the use of space, audio-visual equipment, and furniture in the KSC and campus-wide, UFM, and KSC labor. Additional individual charges will occur for catering, parking permits, specialty rentals or other items not provided by the university, event-specific labor, late fees from service providers and teleproductions.  View event registration rate schedule  


Estimated Fees and Deposits


Estimated fees are based on the specific facilities and services requested for the registered event. Special features of an event may involve additional fees. All fees are subject to change.


    • No deposit is required.
    • No deposit is required.
    • Non refundable deposit required for all events 
    • Upon signing of contract – 25%  
    • 30 days before event – additional 25% of current charges  
    • Final charges, plus incidentals – charged following event.  
Outstanding Balances

If a group has an outstanding balance that is past due for thirty (30) days or more, the group will not be permitted to register additional space until that balance is reconciled. Any outstanding balance which has been past due for sixty (60) days will result in the cancellation of all events currently registered by the client/user. The group will need to resubmit space registration requests once the balance is reconciled. Any outstanding balance which is past due for ninety (90) days will be turned in for collection with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

Room Arrangement

Members of organizations are not permitted to move furniture in any campus building on their own. Organizations will need to work with the U.E.C.S. and provide all special setup needs a minimum of seven (7) days prior to an event.  Not all university facility spaces can have an alternate arrangement.  If a group is found to move furntiure they will be charged $100.00 to reset the space to the regular setup. 

Guidelines for Registered Outdoor Events

All policies for registered indoor events also apply to registered outdoor events. For example, no open fires or grills with charcoal are permitted in outside spaces. Tents requiring staking or other signs causing penetration of the lawn cannot be set up without prior approval from the University Facilities Management Grounds department. Tents may not cover the grass for more than three (3) days.  Some tents may require a permit. The client will be responsible for securing tent permits through the State of Ohio, as well as any associated costs.

Signs, banners, and other items may not be attached to furniture, trees, or light poles. Existing furniture setups in outdoor areas may not be moved without prior approval from UECS.

UECS does not provide alternate indoor facilities, in case of inclement weather, unless previously requested and approved. Cancellations for outdoor space, or equipment for use in that space, must be made 48 hours prior to the event set-up time to avoid charges. The decision to move indoors must be made within 48 hours of event set-up time.  UECS reserves the right to delay, postpone, relocate or cancel events in the event of inclement weather. In addition, the “nature of the event” regarding the impact of foot or vehicular traffic, supplies, or equipment on the grass or pavers may affect usage. Based on traffic patterns of events, further changes and modifications may also be necessary (e.g., a ground covering may be required).


The use of university facilities provides a gathering place for 5X students, faculty, staff, alumni, clients, and their guests. These users and their guests shall not interfere with the regular use of the building by other facility guests. Excessive noise or other disruptive behavior is prohibited. Normal building hours for academic spaces are 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Monday –Friday, closed Saturday - Sunday, some academic spaces may adjust hours as needed.

Building hours for the (KSC, Student Recreation and Wellness Center and Ice Arena, and University Library) can be referenced on their departmental websites.

Facility access and use must be within the allotted registered time as noted on the Event Registration Confirmation. Registered times must include event preparation, decorating, and/or rehearsal time, as well as time after the event to remove decorations, client equipment, and other items. Clients/users who have not removed all decorations, equipment, and other items by the closing time of the university facility can be assessed an extended facility hours’ charge of $125.00 per hour, or part thereof.

Requests to extend the use of the Kent Student Center beyond facility hours must be submitted for approval a minimum of twenty one (21) business days in advance of the event and will be assessed an extended facility hours’ charge of $125.00 per hour, or part thereof in addition to the hourly charge. University staff shall have the right to access and enter any event space for any reasonable purpose during the registered event time.

Safety Assessment

A safety assessment is conducted prior to each scheduled event. During the assessment, the following factors and questions are considered to determine the proper level of security needed at the event:

  • Event type (concert, sporting event, festival, speaker, sales, etc.)
  • Will alcohol be served at the event?
  • Estimated attendance
  • Location or venue
  • Access level (public, ticketed, invite-only)
  • Will cash be collected at the event?
  • Prior history of similar events
  • Number of university staff to be present
  • Other events taking place on campus at that time
  • Health and safety concerns
  • Impact of event, if any, on normal campus operations and/or academic mission of the university

Once the necessary level of security is determined, resources are secured by the UECS Office to ensure that necessary safety measures are in place.

The university reserves the right to implement the appropriate level of security to accommodate a safe event.


Clients/users are advised that the use of the following items are strictly prohibited in all 5X facilities: deadly weapons, as defined in section 2923.11 of the Ohio Revised Code, including but not limited to firearms, explosive devices, or other dangerous ordnances. Groups with events that disregard this notification will be subject to immediate cancellation of their event by 5X and be subject to loss of deposit (if any) and the loss of future Event Registration privileges.

Fire and Open Flame

Open flames (e.g., candles, lighters, torches), combustible vegetation (e.g., hay, straw, evergreen trees); pyrotechnic devices, smoke/fog/haze machines, or dry ice are prohibited inside University facilities unless approved, in advance, by the Fire Prevention Office and staff will be required to attend event.

Fires, grills, or open flames are not permitted on outside spaces unless approved, in advance, by Fire Prevention Office and staff will be required to attend event.

Groups with events that disregard this notification will be subject to immediate cancellation of their event by 5X and be subject to loss of future Event Registration privileges. Registered Student Organizations will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

Spaces on the Kent Campus may not be set up or decorated in any manner without prior consent from UECS staff. UECS, with the assistance of other university personnel, must approve the location and type of special decorations, balloons, banners, or signs (indoor and outdoor). Existing university signage must not be covered or otherwise obstructed. All exit doors, exit lights, fire sprinkler heads, fire alarm pulls, fire extinguishers, and other emergency or safety equipment must be kept free of obstacles or decorative materials. Decorations, balloons, signs, banners, etc. may not be taped, nailed, tacked, stapled, or otherwise fastened to ceilings, walls, doors, windows, painted surfaces, or columns. All decorations must be flame retardant. Large banners may be hung with the assistance of the University's maintenance staff and prior approval from UECS staff. All decorations must be removed by the client/user immediately following the event daily. Any costs incurred by UECS for the removal of these items will be charged to the client/user. UECS is not responsible for damages to or loss of any materials, displays, gifts, favors, or other items left behind following any event.
Please note the following items are not permitted in any University facilities:
  •  Straw or other dry plant material
  •  Special effects equipment, such as smoke, fog and fire machines, sparklers, etc.
  •  Sand weights, confetti, glitter, rice, dance wax, powder, or similar materials
  •  Adhesive-backed (stick-on) decals or similar items
  •  Paint, chemicals, or liquids that can damage the facility
  •  Glitter/confetti
UECS must approve any special needs for decorations, exhibits, and displays beyond the scope of the above-stated conditions in conjunction with the Office of the University Architect.
Groups will be held responsible for any damage or additional cleaning that is required from their decorating.

Clients/users cannot hang signs advertising an event throughout the interior or on the exterior of campus facilities. Signage can only be posted on approved campus bulletin boards within each space.

Clients/users can only post event signage the day of their event within the KSC on easels or another provided sign holder. It is the responsibility of the client/user to set up and tear down all signs at the end of each day. Any signs left posted following any event will be disposed of by the KSC Facility Operations staff. Group is limited to a maximum of one (1) sign per floor within the KSC on the day of their event.

Clients/users who wish to promote their upcoming events can utilize Digital Advertising with KSCtv by clicking the following link.


Parking is available in the visitor parking lot adjacent to the Kent Student Center. Vehicle parking rates are available at /parking/visitor-parking or at the Kent Student Center parking lot entrance. For special arrangements, please contact UECS.