
ISB Work in Progress Continue pre cast and brick work along G line, lines 8 to 17. Continue curtain wall installation at the east side of the building. Continue monitor framing and glass at the north side of the building. Continue last back filling in the east section of the building. Last hydraulic slab pouring in the east side of the building is in progress. Start slab on grade pouring on the north side, and 2鈥 topping, from lines 1 to 7. Start slab on grade pouring from lines 13 to 17, and 2鈥 topping from lines 7 to 17. Sta...

Division of University Communications and Marketing

The redesign team is continuing to work to make the web redesign transition, current web site maintenance and the actual launch as seamless as possible. As a result, we have been communicating various shifts of important dates. We apologize for any confusion and additional emails. However, we know it is important to keep you, our partners, informed of the project progress and next steps. Please note, in a recent effort to make content syncs more manageable and to allow you more time to work during the busy September and October months, and start to wind down for Thanksgiving break, we have ...

Discover if a Career in Radiology is for You!

When you earn a degree in radiology technology, you could find yourself with one of several job titles: CT technologist, MRI technologist, mammography technologist or X-ray technologist. You will also find that job opportunities exist in hospitals, surgical centers, clinics, physician offices and other types of healthcare facilities. Information sessions are also available. Find a Session   If this field interests you, now is the time to apply for this quality program on the Kent State Salem Campus. Find the details about how to apply here: /columbiana/associa...

The university was informed of an incident that occurred off campus in the area of University Oaks Apartments between 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Monday, November 7.  The person involved stated they were approached by a male subject who said he was having car trouble and needed help.  He asked the person to get in the car to help him start it.  Once inside the car, the male subject began to assault the person who was trying to help.  The person being assaulted was able to run away without further incident.  The male subject is described as a black male, 6鈥 to 6鈥2鈥 ...

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