
Public Records Request

Current and former employees may request to inspect and obtain a copy of their personnel files. 

This is in accordance with the Ohio Public Records Act and 5X社区 administrative policy 5-15.1. The university will respond to such requests within a reasonable period of time.

Requests should be directed to the Human Resources鈥揜ecords department.  Copies, if requested, will be provided within a reasonable time period at a cost of $.10 per page.  There will be an additional charge for postage if applicable.

Requests related to reviewing or obtaining copies of faculty personnel files should be directed to Academic Personnel

Public Records Requests for Personnel Records

Records maintained in a personnel file are generally considered public records under Ohio law. However, some documents contained in personnel files or otherwise maintained by the university are not public, including medical or educational records, intellectual property records, certain investigatory files, and any other record made confidential by law or not considered a public record.

Social Security numbers, home addresses, and birth dates are not public records. An individual's Social Security number, home address, and birth date will be removed from any record inspected or released in response to a public record request.

If your department receives a public records request, contact the Office of General Counsel at (330) 672-2982. A member of the university's legal office will assist you with the process. When a public records request is made to examine an employee's personnel file, that employee will, when practical, be notified, in advance of the release of the record if possible, that the record has been requested, and informed of the name of the person making the request, if available.