
Department Chair

The Chair is the chief administrative officer of the Department. Substantive decisions of Department concern shall be made by the Chair in consultation with the Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC). The Chair reports to the Dean of the College of Business Administration and has the responsibility and carries the authority on such matters including, but not limited to, the following:
1.    develops, coordinates, plans, and provides leadership for all academic programs and professional activities housed in the Department of Finance in a manner which is consistent with the mission of the University, the College, and the Department and is mindful of the quality and breadth of programs supported by the University, the College and the Department;

2.    enforces University and College regulations, policies, and procedures in conformity with the UPR, the CBH, and terms and conditions of both CBAs;

3.    with appropriate consultation, develops, maintains, and implements the administrative and educational policies of the Department in accordance with the provisions of the Department Handbook;

4.    implements personnel policies on matters such as recommending to the Dean new faculty and staff appointments, reappointments and non-reappointments; tenure and promotion; renewals of appointment and nonrenewals of appointment; and leaves of absence and faculty improvement leaves;

5.    bears the responsibility for management of the Department office, including supervision of nonacademic Department staff;

6.    bears the fiscal responsibility for the Department;

7.    bears the responsibility for allocating Department resources;

8.    maintains custody of University property charged to the Department;

9.    with appropriate consultation with the Department Curriculum Committee, recommends curricular changes;

10.    with appropriate consultation, establishes teaching assignments;

11.    coordinates academic advising;

12.    serves as an ex officio non-voting member of the Department Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) and presides over FAC meetings;

13.    when making written reports to a higher administrative officer, reports the substance of FAC recommendations on all matters which require consultation with the FAC;

14.    informs the FAC of the status and final administrative determination of matters on which the FAC has been consulted;

15.    performs tasks, such as preparation of the Annual Planning Report of the Department, and other tasks all of which cannot be enumerated herein;

16.    represents the Department to constituents external to the Department.