
Department Committees

The following are standing Department committees, and the term of all Department committees is one year.

1.    Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC)

    The FAC is an elected body representative of the faculty and is advisory and recommendatory to the Chair, who is also the ex-officio, non-voting Chair of the Committee.  The FAC is concerned with such matters as are central to the Department’s mission.  In accordance with the CBA, such matters include, but are not limited to, the following:
a.    the nominations of candidates for promotion;

b.    appointments of new faculty;

c.    nonrenewals of appointment;

d.    dismissals;

e.    allocations of academic staff;

f.    program development and discontinuance;

g.    evaluations relating to salaries and merit increases;

h.    budget priorities and guidelines;

i.    selection and structure of committees;

j.    teaching assignments and class schedules;

k.    research and other leaves;

l.    the establishment and maintenance of the Department Handbook;

m.    ensuring that students are properly advised;

n.    ensuring that instructional standards are followed; and

o.    ensuring that class and other duties of faculty are met.

    The FAC shall be representative of the Faculty of the Department and shall, at all times, be comprised of such persons as shall be determined from time to time by the Faculty of the Department. The FAC may comprise, upon the vote of the members of the Faculty, either the entire membership of the Faculty or such portion or representative persons from the Department Faculty and full-time non-tenure-track faculty members as may be determined by the Faculty.  The FAC will communicate with the Department faculty concerning matters on which it has been consulted through the timely distribution of minutes of its meetings and other appropriate means.

2.    Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) Committee

This committee reviews all reappointment, tenure, and promotion files for tenure-track Faculty and renewal of appointment files for non-tenure-track faculty.  The policies and procedures which govern reappointment, tenure, promotion, and renewal of appointment are contained in the CBAs and the UPR, except those policies and procedures elaborated here concerning the Department.

3.    Department Curriculum Committee

The FAC shall also serve as the Department Curriculum Committee. Any faculty members in the Department may refer curricular matters, including course additions, changes and deletions as they pertain to the undergraduate and graduate programs of the Department, to the FAC/Curriculum Committee.

4.    Student Academic Complaint Committee

This committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Chair regarding formalized student academic complaints. The committee is comprised of the FAC or a committee designated by the FAC and one (1) student.  One (1) undergraduate student will sit on the Committee for complaints on undergraduate courses, and one (1) graduate student will sit on the Committee for complaints on graduate courses. The Chair will select the graduate and undergraduate students, in accordance with the provisions of the University Digest of Rules and Regulations. The term of Student Academic Complaint Committee members is one year.

5.    Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee

The Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee will be comprised of all graduate faculty members who are teaching or have taught a Ph.D. course within two years of the comprehensive exam date.  The questions will be from the Finance courses in the Ph.D. program.  Authors of the questions will generally be the most recent instructors of the course. The Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee will review each question and construct the exam.  The Committee will be responsible for grading responses to each question. The Committee will be chaired by the Ph.D. Coordinator, who normally does not vote unless there is a tie vote by the committee. Questions will be graded by the author of the question.

The Chair of the Committee (the Ph.D. Coordinator) will review the grade on each question of the exam of each student.  The Committee will then vote as to whether the student passes or fails the exam.  In the event the student fails the exam, the Committee will decide whether the student retakes only the failed questions or the entire exam.  Students are not told about any differences in judgment between Committee members, just the final outcome.
The grading of the Ph.D. comprehensive examination will be finished within ten working days of the receipt of the completed examinations by the Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Committee members.  The Committee will then meet within a week to forward its recommendations.

6.    Other Committees

All other committees, variable in number and composition, are appointed by the Department Chair in consultation with the FAC.