
Faculty Roles and Responsibilities

The Department expects every tenured and tenure-track faculty member to be engaged in research, teaching and service activities. A sustained level of appropriate scholarship is expected of all graduate faculty. All tenured and tenure-track faculty are expected to maintain the status of Scholarly Academic, and all non-tenure-track faculty are expected to maintain the status of Practice Academic for the purposes of AACSB.

High-quality, current classroom teaching is expected of all faculty members. Faculty members must prepare a syllabus for distribution at the beginning of each term in each course they are teaching.  The syllabus should specify the material to be covered in the course, statement of course objectives, assignments, number of examinations, the manner in which grades are to be determined, the instructor鈥檚 office hours, the instructor鈥檚 policy with respect to attendance and missed examinations, and other details relevant to the effective conduct of class. A copy of each course syllabus must be given to the Department office staff.

All faculty members (tenured and tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and other instructional faculty) must maintain at least five office hours per week to be accessible to students. Any exception requires prior approval of the Department Chair. Office hours must be posted on office doors and communicated to the Department office staff at the beginning of each semester. Faculty members are expected to schedule appointments with students outside of posted office hours for students who are unable to meet during the scheduled time.

Supervision and advising of graduate student research projects, especially doctoral dissertations, are expected of all tenured and tenure-track faculty and are part of the teaching function.

Service to the Department, College, and University is expected of all faculty members (tenured and tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and other instructional faculty), but service expectations vary for tenured, tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and other instructional faculty.  Such service may be performed by serving on Department, College, and University committees, advising students and student organizations, participating in student recruitment activities, and by performing such special tasks and administrative assignments as may be assigned by the Department Chair, the Dean, or other administrative officers of the University.  In order to assist in balancing workloads, all service assignments should be done in consultation with the Chair.

Service to the profession and professionally-related public service undertaken outside the auspices of the University may also be credited toward meeting the service expectation, provided that such credit is arranged in advance with the Chair. Such service is especially appropriate for senior faculty and is strongly encouraged.

Unless otherwise specified, the normal service workload will not exceed 20% of the total workload, or the equivalent of one full workday per week.

By the contractually-specified deadline, each continuing tenured Faculty member is to prepare and submit an annual workload summary report.