
Office of the University Architect

Kent State transgender student Emily Grubb (left) stands with Ken Ditlevson, director of the university’s LGBTQ Student Center. The LGBTQ Student Center is located on the lower level of the Kent Student Center.

Transgender Students Find Home, Security and Support at Kent State

For transgender students like Emily Grubb, Kent State is home.

Grubb and other students have found an inclusive, welcoming environment that offers resources for the transgender community, such as the student organization Trans*Fusion and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Student Center. Transgender students also receive support from Kent State’s faculty, staff and administrators.

Tags: Student Life, Division of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Office of the University Architect, Facilities Planning and Operations, Division of Finance and Administration, Division of Student Life

Division of People, Culture and Belonging

Kent State transgender student Emily Grubb (left) stands with Ken Ditlevson, director of the university’s LGBTQ Student Center. The LGBTQ Student Center is located on the lower level of the Kent Student Center.

Transgender Students Find Home, Security and Support at Kent State

For transgender students like Emily Grubb, Kent State is home. Grubb and other students have found an inclusive, welcoming environment that offers resources for the transgender community.

Tags: Student Life, Division of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Office of the University Architect, Facilities Planning and Operations, Division of Finance and Administration, Division of Student Life

Kent Campus