
Student Life

President Diacon with football fans in the stands at Dix Stadium

President Diacon rallied the fans at the annual Prez D Freeze-Out game

Graduate student, Dr. Harsh Mishra

A physician from India is pursuing a second doctoral degree at Kent State. 

Students Walking on Campus

If you find yourself expending too much time and energy this semester, Kent State has some lesser-known resources that are intentionally designed to save you both. These eight resources are free for students and were specifically crafted for students.

ALL IN Most Engaged Campus LOGO

Kent State has been recognized for its efforts in support of student voters. The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge named Kent State to its list of ALL IN Most Engaged Campuses for College student voting, which recognizes institutions for making intentional efforts to increase student voter participation.

E. Timothy Moore Student Multicultural Center
Drummers celebrate Native American Heritage Month

The goal of the Native American Heritage and Veterans celebration was to honor our Native American students, faculty, staff, and community members while also honoring our veterans.

Office of International Student Affairs hosts multiple events for international students

The International Friendship Program allows faculty and international students to converse and learn from each other, and it creates a welcoming environment for those who are far away from home. 

Prez-D Freeze-Out Game

Bundle up for the last home football game of the season: it’s a Freeze-Out!

Kent State and the University of Rwanda will host a join peace conference in Kigali, Rwanda, in July 2023.

Past tragedies link 5XÉçÇø and the University of Rwanda in a distinct way.

Kent State Today
Intense Kent State field hockey action

It was the Golden Flashes vs the Knights at Kent's Murphy-Mellis Field. 

International students with flags at a Kent State basketball game.

Kent State celebrates International Education Week with a full schedule of events.