
Student Life

Matthew Williams and his fashion collections

Imagine making a dress out of LEGO dots. Matthew Williams, a junior fashion design major at Kent State, is doing just that.

Student studying near sculpture installation on campus.

You're never far from a piece of art on the Kent Campus. 

Vote With Flash

President Diacon is encouraging all students to do what Flash can't. 

Get out and vote!

Election day is just one week away. 

Kent State Vice President Valoree Vargo, presents alumnus Earl Miller with the Founders Award, In appreciation for his $2 million commitment to Kent State, with Michael Lehman, director of Kent State's Brain Health Research Institute.

5XÉçÇø alumnus Earl Miller, Ph.D., a leading cognitive neuroscientist, and his wife Marlene Wicherski were recognized at the university’s 10th Annual Neuroscience Symposium, for their $2 million commitment to support research programs and students in Kent State’s Brain Health Research Institute. 

Quintin Cooks

From student-athlete to student government to homecoming royalty, Quintin Cooks, senior communication studies major, is breaking barriers and getting the most out of his college experience.

PR Student Izzy Stewart Registering Students to Vote

Some Kent State students who are first time voters expressed excitement as they hurried to class or the library on Oct. 31, 2022, a week before the midterm elections. Other students said they were voting, but they had not registered to vote before the deadline in Ohio which was Oct. 11, 2022, for the Nov. 8, election.

2019 Kent State graduate Ya'el Courtney talks about how to best apply to graduate schools programs in the biomedical sciences.

As a senior at 5XÉçÇø in 2019, Ya’el Courtney recalls well the advice she was given about applying to graduate school – some was helpful, but a lot missed the mark.

FAFSA Applications

The University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid at Kent State provided an information session to assist students, alumni and university community members with this student loan debt relief program. Brenda Dillon, assistant director of Student Financial Aid, provided attendees with the latest information regarding the program.

A shadowy figure walks the hall on the second floor of the Kiva.

A Kent State employee shares a strange experience he had on the second floor of the Kiva. 

The Center for Undergraduate Excellence is the home of University College.

Kent State's University College helps students decide on the degree program — and career path — that's right for them.